Monday, July 18, 2011

Michael Buble Concert {part Uno}

Wow! I just realized that I never posted any photos of the WONDERFUL Michael Buble concert from last month! It was so much fun! My friend actually won the tickets on the radio and took me with her! How Sweet! So we took a nice drive to Austin which was only about an hour or so! 
I got to see him in concert last March in Florida just before we moved to Texas and it was PHENOMENAL, so when my friend invited me to go with her I was ecstatic! 
It was an unforgettable evening!

Naturally Seven is a group that does 'vocal play' [I'll post videos later!]

Our Fat girl snacks  YUM!

Here he is! 

Very funny guy!

He's such an entertainer!

Working his way through the crowd

On the stage in the back of the auditorium!

Being silly! haha!

One of his final acts. . . .  :(

Final goodbyes

 We were some very happy girls that evening! Thanks Ashley for taking me!!!!!!

Fun-having in the capital of Texas!

Michael Buble never disappoints!
I highly recommend seeing him in concert, just amazing.....
I will post videos of the concert very soon.
Happy Week to you all!