Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sweet (& easy) dessert recipe

Sweets!! I came across this yummy recipe for Strawberry shortcake here. It was so delicious and easy to make. I hope you'll try it and enjoy it. It is a great summer recipe. That's all.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Old car crush

Just a couple of weeks ago our church hosted a men's event where they had a motorcycle & car show. This was by far my most favorite car. So cool!! I'm crushin' hard. I don't know cars very well....that's my husband's department, but I really do like them a lot. I am just so fascinated by the oldies most. I see them around a lot where I live and it always catches my attention as they drive by I stare & am instantly mesmerized. I'd love to own an old car, any kind. 
I'd LOVE to own a Challenger....the newer ones are sooooo sexy.

This old mustang was pretty cool too!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Avocado obsessed

I don't know why, but lately I have really been wanting all the time. I want it in my soups and with my rice and beans...but then again I guess that's normal for a puerto rican, ha! Also, I love guacamole but until recently have not ever made it on my own. So I gave it a try, I mean...why not? I thought you might like a quick, simple recipe for some yummy guac.
I use: 
1 ripe hass avocado 
1 roma tomato 
a couple branches of cilantro (i love cilantro, so I probably use more than anyone else would like)
2 (sticks?) of chives/green onion (can also use red onion...I just didn't have any)
1 tsp of fresh garlic (if you like it but it can go without)
1 wedge of lime
a dash of salt 
a dash of pepper

mash avocado & throw it in a bowl
cut up the tomato, cilantro & chives/onions add it to the avocado
add the garlic
mix that all in a bowl together 
sprinkle the salt, pepper & squeeze the lime over it all
mix that altogether and you're ready for some yummy dip.
if you want the flavors to really seep in then you can chill for about 30 minutes 

I made some last night and enjoyed with a homemade chicken quesadilla.......mmmm mmmm mmmm! 
Sorry this picture was taken after I devoured more than half of it.

Seeeeee my obsession....i mean YUM!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

God is for your future

(Easter Sermon notes)

He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time. (1 Timothy 2:6 NLT)

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. (Ephesians 1:7 NLT)

He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God. (Romans 4:25 NLT)

➡People w/o a future will always return to their past! 
Jesus died to free us from the fear of death. The root of all fears come from the fear of death. If we fear death then we are not free to live! A person with a future will live in delight.

Forasmuch, then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Hebrews 2:14, 15 KJV)

John 21:19 "Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”"
➡How to find the future that God has for me
1. Focus on Jesus: whatever you focus on in life....grows/increases
2. Focus on your future: you're future is bigger than your past, because of Easter we can fix our wrong decisions/choices.  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jer 29:11
3. Feed your spirit with God's words, Jesus encouraged Peter w/ his words. When we read the word our future gets brighter, bolder, it builds our faith 
4. Follow Jesus: to move forward we need to  follow Christ

Our outlook determines our outcome!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cooking with Kale!

just a quick recipe with kale. i've never eaten kale before but last month for my birthday when my mom sent me an edible arrangement bouquet i realized that the base was filled with kale, so i thought, why not try it? i did and i'm hooked! this was a quick & easy recipe, can't get better than that! you will need:
-2 medium potatoes cut into small pieces
-1/2 a bag of shredded carrots
- 1 med. onion diced up
-1 tbsp of minced garlic
-1 large piece of chicken cut up.
- salt & pepper to taste, also any fresh herbs that you'd like

1. heat up some olive oil in a pot. add the garlic and onions, cook & stir for about 2 minutes.
2. add chicken, throw in your salt, pepper & herbs then cook until all the chicken is white.
3. add 3-4 cups of water, throw in the potatoes & carrots. cover. let boil for 35 minutes.
4. add in the kale and let it cook altogether for 5 minutes.
5. eat

read about some benefits of eating kale here


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy mail!

for the fun of randomness......not too long ago these little cute things came in the mail and I snapped a picture for keeps. i'm SUPER excited to start teaching my daughter sign language. i have read a lot about the benefits of it so I decided to jump on board with it. i'll be excited to update y'all on the outcome. you can probably check out her progress on my VINE account {Melissa Ivette} because i'm certain that i will be posting my proud momma moments with her. also, these adorable tights that i ordered for my baby and also a wedding in november....YAY! i love weddings.
that's all.


Monday, June 17, 2013

It's not over....

Since we moved to STL, I sit in our church services weekly, at COTR, and I'm so blessed to hear such great insight, teaching, and truth being taught from the Word of God. I've been wanting to share some of the sermon notes with you all, just in case someone else might be blessed by it.
{Warning: this post will be a little packed because I'm combining a month's worth of notes for your benefit.} These notes are directly from my phone notes, so please excuse any run on sentences or punctuation errors but trying to type and listen can be really challenging.

This was our series in April entitled "It's not over."

God created human beings in His own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” (Genesis 1:27, 28 NLT)

So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her to the man. (Genesis 2:21, 22 NLT)

➡Unity in the home:
“At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man.’” This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. (Genesis 2:23, 24 NLT)

➡Many times you look at the things that are wrong and focus on that...but if there is anything that is praiseworthy, then we should focus on THAT. 
Whatever I look for, I will see!
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8 KJV)

Mark 5:25-34 (focusing on vs 27-31)
Jesus felt power/virtue leave from Him. Virtue: healing dynamic miracle working power
Touch: highly esteeming God
Thronging: lightly esteeming God, being acquainted with Him not knowing him 
She touched Him but they were thronging Him. Her touch impacted him their thronging didn't affect Him.
When I touch Him is when I hear the word taught..
Vs 32-34
She had been told she was UNCLEAN, and unwanted, an outcast
Then Jesus calls her 'Daughter' He gave her a family and belonging, with the world it was over for her, but with God it's not over!
Whole: complete
Peace: restoration 
Her faith changed the season of her life, no longer unclean now she is a covenant woman of God
Vs 27: She heard! Faith comes by hearing, her faith touched him 
Hearing comes before healing, what you hear you will believe.
Luke 6:17 they came to hear so that they could be healed
{She heard, she said, she saw}
She saw herself whole so she said that she needed to touch him so that she could receive her healing...
Joshua 6:2 God says...SEE...
In Judges, Gideon made excuses for his limitations... God says "I see you as a mighty man of valor"
Abraham struggled with his faith but God told him "wake up and see...."
God helped all 3 of them by giving them a picture of what He saw.
We are all led/driven and we live by a picture on the inside of us that we see of ourselves:  
1. Hear
2. Say
3. See
4. Receive

Jer 1:4-5
Failure could be the back door for success.
Am I doing what I was called/formed for?
If I am not working on getting better daily on my craft...then I am criticizing those who are.  By bettering myself I attract wealth & increase. 
Form always proceeds function....if I discover my form then I will know my function. 
In my function I have unction. 
Grace for your race. 
Anointing for my assignment. 
Failure is not final, it doesn't lock me up, it's a lesson. 
We're not losing if we are learning. 
Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him. (Isaiah 43:7 KJV)

When I find out my commission I bring glory and praise to God's name.  

Luke 5:1-11
We were created to have a meaningful career on this planet. 
I can use my business as a pulpit.
(Vs 5) Master: is the one who has authority & power over
Pride makes excuses, humble people make adjustments 
How to have a shift in your career:
1⃣ Don't let circumstances stop you!
2⃣ Discover what God's word says about you
3⃣ When we ask God for help He asks us to do something.
Don't let your failure form your future bc failure is not final! 
Jesus wants to be personal.
 God wants to be  powerful through me in my career 
He wants to be purposeful, my career/business has purpose.

Don't act on the news but walk on the good news. 
When we act on the news we act in fear but when we act on the good news we act by faith.
God is working on MY career, while I am  working on my character!
My destiny becomes my legacy. 
Your job is your mission,  your ministry
If you're not happy either change your job or change your attitude.
Example: a pencil was created to write. a screwdriver was created to be a tool. a pencil can't be used as a screwdriver & a screwdriver can't be a pencil. 
If you are a pencil don't try to be a screwdriver!

*Finding our perfect fit/job*
How to know where we are supposed to be.
We don't develop it we discover it.
1⃣ FIT: Find out where you fit!
2⃣ FRUIT: Where do you get fruit? If you're not successful at it then its not your thing. 
3⃣ FLOW: It's got to flow, what comes natural? 
4⃣ FRIENDS: What do your friends think you can function in? What do they tell you?
5⃣ FULFILLED: You should be fulfilled

Only 19% of the workforce in America is happy....81% is unhappy.

Ecc 5:18-19 Rejoice in your labor....this is a gift from God

Failure is not final.
Babe Ruth struck out more than he had homeruns but he's known for his homeruns!
When I was born again I was made to succeed. 
We want our destiny to be our legacy.
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. 
Don't be impressed with yourself. 
Don't compare yourself with others.  (Galatians 6:4, 5 MSG)
God created, formed and crafted us for a career....but in doing what we think others believe we are supposed to do we'll be miserable.

My work should be my witness.
In the workforce, the hardest workers should be us, the best workers should be us.
If I'm not getting better everyday then I'm criticizing those who are bc I'm jealous! 
1⃣ Commit your works to God
Proverbs 16:3 AMP
God will establish my thoughts and cause His desires to be mine. 
My thoughts will line up with His will and I find His will in His word.
Psalm 25:9 KJV
Meek means teachable or those who are humble.
The meek and humble will adjust, while the prideful make excuses.
2⃣ God's gonna work on me while I work on my character. 
Work on yourself, your attitude, habits, time management, how your treat others. God is working on my career while I work on my character. 
Work on being humble, meek, adjustable and teachable. 
Psalm 37:4 AMP
DELIGHT means moldable, adjustable, pliable. I'm God's masterpiece
Proverbs 22:29 NLT 
3⃣ Work on your skill, educate yourself, work on improving yourself, develop and work on it daily 
Prov 18:16
4⃣ Sow seeds. A seed is a word a thought or a deed. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you! 
Seek the kingdom first and all these things will be adding into you
Psalms 20:7
What we sow we will reap...
Be a friend and you will get a friend..

It's not what happens to us but how we respond. If we think different than the crowd we will excel. 
1 Samuel 30
Ziklag means a mountain of overflowing blessing, part of the inheritance given for the tribe of Judah. In chapter 29 David made some bad choices.
We don't have to be perfect we just have to pursue God....
When he comes into the city Ziklag it's not the city that he left bc the Amalekites burned the city down. When it is supposed to be a city of overflow it is now left in ruins and all David's family kidnapped and possessions have been taken from him, friends have forsaken him.
Amalekites =type of our flesh, a type of enemy. 
Back when Saul was king, he didn't obey God and destroy the Amalekites. He was killed by them and now David suffers for his disobedience. 

*What we do not conquer or destroy will eventually conquer and destroy us.*

Vs 6 David is greatly distressed....
He makes 4 decisions:
1⃣ He ENCOURAGED himself in The Lord. We must learn to lead our ourselves, the size of our problem is an indicator of our future. It's not the size of the problem but the size of me. How big am I on the inside? 
Judah means praise
When we praise God we are encouraging ourselves. 
Through praise we have victory over the devil. God inhabits the praises of His people, inhabits=sets up his throne and rules over us
1. Praise changes me, nothing will change until I do! By reflection we see how God helps us: Reflection, recalling, remembering.
2. Praise changes THINGS.
3. Praise changes your environment
When we praise Him His presence shows up. It's the beginning of a turnaround the beginning of restoration.
David said, "7 times a day will I praise Him!"
4. Praise changes my perspective. 
*Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed. (Psalm 37:3 AMP)
2⃣ INQUIRE. David asks God for guidance and direction. He commits his way to The Lord. Before God gave him a strategy David had to strengthen himself in The Lord.  In chapter 30 he's back in fellowship with God. 
As I work on me God is working in my life......Romans 8:28
I need the anointing to fulfill God's amazing calling for my life 
Consistency is how we get closer to God
In his presence there is fullness of joy. The joy of The Lord is my strength so Praise makes me stronger! 
Praise drowns out all the other voices that aren't of God.
When we praise God we paralyze the enemy....Psalm 2:8
When we praise God we activate our faith.
1 Sam 30:7 the ephod is the prayer cloak
For restoration we need a word from God. Vs 8...God says pursue
Every time we read the Bible we have hope, hope gives us expectation.  
God shows us a picture when we ask for help. When we read the word (it paints a picture) it will give us a picture of what God has for our lives. 
3⃣ EXPECTED restoration
Vs 8 'you will recover all...'
4⃣ ESTEEMED others get ahead put others first
There are people in my life that I need in order for God's will to be done in me. 

We can't hear God's voice when we are weak bc we are wavering. We need to strengthen ourselves in The Lord. Work on getting myself stronger so that I can recognize God's voice & obey.