Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas!! Best song ever!

Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast

Want a plane that loops the loop
Me, I want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.

Want a plane that loops the loop
I still want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.

We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Michael Buble!!!

Michael Buble in Concert in Orlando March 10, 2010
He is one of today's best JAZZ singers!!
He is amazing! Check him out.

My husband bought me tickets for Christmas & I can't wait!!! Counting down the days 91 days left!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The beauty of humanity....The beauty of creation!!

The beauty of humanity is that we were created in Christ's image...unique, special, called, full of purpose...but will we ever live up to the purpose for which we were created? The answer lies within our obedience to and dependence on Christ!

I am so amazed at the turn that my life has taken..
It takes a challenge for me to become who he wants me to be...yet I am ready!

I am so glad that I was blessed to travel to another country bringing the good news of hope!
Dominican Republic was so amazing! The people that received medicine, food and the word were so happy and fulfilled.
The children that so eagerly came to learn about Jesus and who he is were so grateful that we gave them even the tiniest bit of attention, care and love.
The altitude of which we stayed in the mountains came with a more than breathtaking view!
This was the trip of a lifetime for me, and I can honestly say I am praying about the opportunity of an extended trip in missions!

At this point, my life is not where I thought it would be, but God has been steering the boat and as long as he is in the ship I am in peace!

(Thank you Lord for your continued guidance. I am amazed and proud of who you have shaped me to be, I know that this journey is a long and hard one but, I will follow as you lead me, I promise! Love your daughter, Melissa Ivette)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Unfailing love

"Love," Paul says, "never fails" (1 Cor. 13:8 NIV).

The verb Paul uses for the word fail is used elsewhere to describe the demise of a flower as it falls to the ground, withers, and decays. It carries the meaning of death and abolishment. God's love, says the apostle, will never fall to the ground, wither, and decay. By its nature, it is permanent. It is never abolished.

Love "will last forever" (NLT).

It "never dies" (MSG).

It "never ends" (RSV).

Love "is eternal" (TEV).

God's love "will never come to an end" (NEB).

Love never fails.

Governments will fail, but God's love will last. Crowns are temporary, but love is eternal. Your money will run out, but his love never will.

How could God have a love like this? No one has unfailing love. No person can love with perfection. You're right. No person can. But God is not a person. Unlike our love, his never fails. His love is immensely different from ours.

Our love depends on the receiver of the love. Let a thousand people pass before us, and we will not feel the same about each. Our love will be regulated by their appearance, by their personalities. Even when we find a few people we like, our feelings will fluctuate. How they treat us will affect how we love them. The receiver regulates our love.

Not so with the love of God. We have no thermostatic impact on his love for us. The love of God is born from within him, not from what he finds in us. His love is uncaused and spontaneous.

Does he love us because of our goodness? Because of our kindness? Because of our great faith? No, he loves us because of his goodness, kindness, and great faith. John says it like this: "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us" (1 John 4:10 NIV).

Doesn't this thought comfort you? God's love does not hinge on yours. The abundance of your love does not increase his. The lack of your love does not diminish his. Your goodness does not enhance his love, nor does your weakness dilute it. What Moses said to Israel is what God says to us:

The LORD did not choose you and lavish his love on you because you were larger or greater than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! It was simply because the LORD loves you. (Deut. 7:7-8 NLT)

God loves you simply because he has chosen to do so.

He loves you when you don't feel lovely.

He loves you when no one else loves you. Others may abandon you, divorce you, and ignore you, but God will love you. Always. No matter what.

This is his sentiment: "I'll call nobodies and make them somebodies; I'll call the unloved and make them beloved" (Rom. 9:25 MSG).

This is his promise. "I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself" (Jer. 31:3 NLT).

From A Love Worth Giving
by Max Lucado

Monday, November 16, 2009

CVI is my Motivational DNA!!

Melissa’s Motivational DNA Type is: CVI
(Connection-Variety-Internal) The Relater

Relaters are caring and creative. They relish life and cherish relationships. Relaters are outgoing, friendly and well-liked. They are resourceful and inventive, with an ability to compromise to get the job done. They are team players that bring out the best in others. Warm and enthusiastic, they balance concern for others with a zeal for personal growth.

Relaters are personal and practical in their approach to problem-solving. They have an innate ability to creating win-win solutions. Relaters value what is really important and desire to make a positive contribution to society. Blending loyalty with adventure, Relaters are fun friends and devoted partners.

CVI Motivators: Genuine appreciation for a job done well, opportunities for personal growth, fun co-workers, teamwork, new experiences and an inspiring work environment.

CVI De-Motivators: Isolation, rigid routine, pressure-cooker deadlines, quenching creativity, disapproval and conflict.

Pretty interesting: find out yours at

1. You are a people person, so the best way for you to achieve your objectives is to collaborate with a partner or group of people who share the same purpose. Find or create a support group that will cheer you on until you reach your goal.
2. Follow-through is a challenge for your motivational style. You must become accountable to your goal and do something each day, no matter how small, that moves you closer to your target.
3. Take some time to soul search and ask yourself why your goal is important. Write down those reasons and refer to them often. It is the “why,” not the “how,” that inspires your motivational type.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thanks in Giving

Sometimes you sit back an realize that your life has so much meaning...
Money, fame, or titles does not matter because they don't define YOU!
People that truly love you and genuinely care about you...surround you.
You realize that the heart of ministry is Compassion..
You realize that that those who seem to oppose you are really just interested in who you really are...and don't know how to go about it.
You realize that salvation matters....not little cares of life.
You realize that the God you serve is so amazing that he sends you love notes and hugs daily!
You realize that the people in your life are there for a reason.
You realize that things may not be perfect but God is!
The simple things that can not be bought matter more than any-THING money could afford.
It's in these moment of clarity that I cannot help but Praise the Lord for his goodness..
This year my family decided to celebrate Thanksgiving early because some of us will be on our mission's trip, touching people in another country and for that I am grateful to be a part of the body of Christ reaching out. Although I am just one person, God wants to use my experience, my willingness and obedience to love on others in another country. As I sat at the table laughing and enjoying my family I realized....What a blessing I have to be able to sit in their company and laugh until it hurts.
Truly this feeling could not be found anywhere
Take a moment and...
Learn to appreciate people!
Learn to appreciate Life!
Learn to appreciate yourself!
Learn to THANK our kind, just, loving and merciful SAVIOR!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just a thought..

A Christian is like a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in & washes the dirt off. Opens you up, touches you deep inside & scoops all the yucky stuff out, removes all seeds of doubt, anger, hate, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face & puts his light in you to shine for all the world to see!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

So for my husband's birthday (10/19/2009) we went to a gun range!!! I was really excited to go, but once we got there I realized...the reality...I was about to shoot a gun!!! I had never done that before!! I had never even held a gun before. Neither had my husband!!! So we were nervous but excited! I shot a 22 caliber revolver and another gun, but the strongest gun I shot was a 40 cal glock!! Wow that was scary, it was so powerful I only shot 3 rounds and then I was done! It was sort of an adrenaline My husband really enjoyed it and I was so happy that he loved his surprise!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

What if....

SO last week I got the chance to see Erwin McManus preach live. I have heard his preachings on cd and read his books. Which have inspired me to no end!! He is an amazing writer and definitely inspired by God!! He was speaking at SouthEastern University and I went to see him... As soon as we got there the atmosphere was amazing...there was a thick cloud of the presences of God in that building...there is no denying that. They had prayer stations set up around the building and you could go up nail your thoughts, prayers & dreams to the cross...they had basins to cleanse your hands as symbolism of cleansing from sin and they had communion stations....During worship at various points people would randomly go up and take communion and wash their hands. It was a beautiful atmosphere of worship full of God's presence. THere were posters up outside so you could write your dreams on them & areas for journaling....Amazing! I was so glad to be a part of this worship session :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

New Stage in Life

So I finally did it!! I have contemplated it over and over again and thought of the risks and sacrifice but I did it! I started school about 3 weeks ago!
I am currently a Master's degree student at Liberty University!! I will be very dedicated to my studies over the next year but by next December I should have Master's degree in counseling. YAY!!

It is so exciting & yet scary at the same time. I took a leap towards my future goals and dreams and I know that I will never regret this!
I am so honored to have the privilege to go back to school and I am confident that now is the only time for me to do this! So I am launching into the deep hoping God will act in my favor!
So many people never get this chance but I jumped on it! All odds in my favor!! WOO HOOO!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Life Lessons...

I feel like I am in a whirlwind!! So many changes in my life and in our church but I am confident of this one thing...God will never leave or forsake me...He never leaves me alone. He is the Shepard that keeps me in line, the Farmer that harvests his spirit in me and the Vine that prunes my branches and produces fruit and much fruit in me! I wouldn't have it any other way I absolutely love living blindly for God....I know that sounds crazy but I believe that I need to make only one decision ever!! That is to follow Christ as he leads me. I obey and he leads...How much easier could it be??

This is my inspiration:
Hebrews 11:8-12 (New International Version)

8By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. 9By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

11By faith Abraham, even though he was past age—and Sarah herself was barren—was enabled to become a father because he[a]considered him faithful who had made the promise. 12And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.

The promise and its fulfillment!!! AMAZING!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So excited!!!

In 6 days I will starting school again!!! YAY!! I will be doing my Master's degree through Libery University. I am so thrilled!
I was not sure whether I should or not but God opened the doors so I went for it!

There may be times when it seems that you cannot move forward, but at least you do not have to go backward. We may not know how to forge ahead, but we can stand firmly on what we know of God. Lord, help me to stand strong in Your power until You deliver me.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars.   See If They Slow Down.

Page Yourself Over The Intercom.   Don't Disguise Your Voice.

Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that.

  Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label it "In".

  Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks  Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.

  In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write " For Smuggling Diamonds".

  Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy".

  Don't use any punctuation

 As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.

 Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.

Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go".

Sing Along At The Opera.

  Go To A Poetry Recital.   Ask why the poems don't rhyme.

Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area and Play tropical Sounds All Day.

Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're Not In the Mood.

Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.

When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!  I Won!"

When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling
"Run For Your Lives!   They're Loose!"

Tell Your Children Over Dinner, "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."

 And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity ..
Send This E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile.

It's Called ... laugh

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day!

It's Labor Day!!
It's a day to spend with family! I love it!
I am so grateful to have family to spend time with.
It's so important to stay connected to family because they are a part of you and your history.
Family is a network of love and constant community.
Family loves you no matter what.
The family of God should be more like that too, constant community and love sometimes we caught caught up in spirituality and forget to love. We need more LOVE!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Simple Cry

"Faith is no irresponsible shot in the dark. It is responsible trust in God who knows the desires of your heart, the dreams you are given and the goals you have set. He will guide your paths right."

We walk by faith and not by sight..... So true!
So God has pretty much been telling me to do something for a while now and I have been so scared, but then I finally listened....took the step and now I feel such a freedom...a burden lifted off of my shoulders.

It's amazing how the peace of God works in your truly...Faith is a responsible trust in the all knowing God!!

I can not imagine where my life would be without his guidance. I love God so much its insane. I can't live a day with him!!

This is my honest heart cry, Lord for you I'd give my life
No one else can touch that area that you own in my heart.
No one else could fulfill the desires of my heart and
make me feel the way that you do.
I want nothing but you guiding me and no one but you holding me!
I need you closer than my next breathe, this is my plea.
I love you more than life itself and I'm so blessed to have you by my side,
To fight my battles and call those things that are not as though they were.
I know one day I will stand before you and worship without end...I can only imagine.
Sometimes all I can do to express my gratitude is speak in song...
That's how I worship! Freely, truly, Unending!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Becoming a God Chaser

I am reading the book, God Chasers by Tommy Tenney, and it has inspired me in numerous ways but mostly to seek God's face and not his hand.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
The Israelites died in the wilderness because of fear and unbelief yet that was not God's original plan. They demanded Moses to stand between them and God. We often prefer that a man stand between us and God... run into his presence and really get to know him. We must die to get closer to him.... He is attracted to the smell of death. That means we are supposed to die to ourselves and deny our flesh. That is pleasing to God!
As we look at our churches we are full of people from all walks of life. Some have been there for years, months, weeks. Some are brand news believers and some of us have been delivered from illness, bondages, suffering and all kinds of personal hell, but we come together and stand at the bottom of the mountain just like the Israelites. We have a decision to make, will we be scared of the smoke, fire and lightning on the mountain and demand that a man or pastor to stand between us and God? (Exodus 19:10) Or will we go up the mountain to Encounter him ourselves?
We face the same challenge as the Israelites but will you make it to the promised land or run away and die in the desert? Today we stand at a critical crossroad...the only reason we are delayed is because of our reluctance to press into God.
We can respond in 2 ways:
"I've come too far to turn back now!" Or "I'm real tired, can I just sit and rest?"
So we either grow into a relationship with him no matter the cost or turn back to where we came from, captivity, bound by sin and enslaved by law and trying to be good or righteous on our own merits rather than submitting to God. The choice lies within our hands.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Somedays you seem so blessed and others just seem like a drag.....
Right now I am caught up in a decision....a turning point!
My career has been on hold forever because I "lack experience" so I have been patient and taken a job that seemed right for the time being and now it feels like my time is overe there.
So now I am stuck thinking so what next?
Waiting & trusting in the Lord to open doors and then I take action!
Such a scary wait though.....

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Big Bang argument

I heard a preaching about Big Bang theory and it was very interesting:
We live in a UNIVERSE... Uni-means one, or single, Verse- is a spoken sentence.
We live in a single spoken sentence. God spoke and created this world with just his words.
John 1:1-4
1-In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2-He was with God in the beginning. 3-Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4-In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood[a] it.

Scientists believe that we came from the Big Bang theory which originated from a single dot (a.k.a.) a piece of dirt but...where did the dirt come from?
If we explain we believe in God then they ask "who created God?"
It is a round about argument between the scientists and Christians.
So we believe...In the beginning God.....and they believe...In the beginning dirt...Interesting!
They believe in Law...but what law?
They believe in energy...where did that energy come from?
A Big Bang of nothing exploded and created everything?? WOW! How can that make sense.
In the Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...he did it that way just to make the Big Bang theory look stupid!
The Big Bang theory has made no sense for many years but that is all that science can hold on to. They have no other theory to fall back on.
If the Big bang theory was true everything would have spread evenly after the bang but it did not.
The Bible does speak of a Big Bang theory but it has not happened yet,
The Big Bang is coming soon...Get ready for it...
The bible says a "Fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
Also they believe that the Earth is billions of years old if we calculate from Genesis to now it is around 6,000+ years old. A couple thousand years ago (after the flood in Noah's time) there were 8 people to populate the Earth from then to now there has been enough time to get to the number of people on Earth now.
If one someone believes in evolution then that means we have been around for billions of years and that would mean we would have billions more people on this Earth than there are now.

This all has become of interest to me because, I once read that if we don't know our opponents argument then we can not completely know our own.
As Christians we need to always have a reason for the hope that we have.
We must be ready at all times to defend our faith.
The Bible says we perish because of lack of knowledge....
We need to educate ourselves and learn to defend our faith just as we would defend our favorite movie star, favorite athlete or friend.
Youth today seek out various "accessories" to define who we are when our true identity can only be found in Christ!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This Grace

A couple of years ago our youth were about to embark on a journey.
We decided to do a 40 day fast!!
Just before the fast began we had a 3 day promotional event to kick it off.
I was Blessed with the opportunity to
teach at a Youth conference and just before I taught I was inspired to write this poem:

Lord, on the Cross you took my place,
Each sin with its disgrace.
But each time that I call,
Your mercy saves me from my fall.
You ask what this challenge means to me,
Well, it's the unfolding of my destiny
This is a challenge I choose today,
A journey worth its beginning,
A journey truly worth finishing.
No task becomes too hard,
No sacrifice could be too great,
For my Savior who willingly shed his blood.
So I separate to see him face to face.
As I prepare to see his fullness in grace
and without hesitation,
I dedicate myself to this race.
(Melissa Rivera)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Freedom & Grace depends on our connection!

I have come to understand a great deal about the subject of "GRACE."
As Christians we think that we have it easier since we "live under grace" sometimes we can find ourselves trying to create a "Do's and Dont's" list of Christianity when the reality is that we need to be led by the spirit, not by some ridiculous list of do's or don'ts. We truly need to live connected to God, grace is not an excuse to live however we want. Rather grace is the reason that we should stay more closely connected.
Romans 6:15 - "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!"

As children of God we are not subjected to the law. The law does not have the power to save us. When we depend on the law (or some silly rules) to justify our actions or tell us that we are right, then we miss the point and reject grace.
When we live according to rules and have no passion then we completely disregard the sacrifice of Jesus.
Jesus came to fulfill the law.
I can no longer be satisfied by doing enough to please God or doing enough to get by.
That is not truly living out your faith.
If we are truly in love with God then we don't need a rule book on how to live our lives, the spirit leads us as we become one.
We draw closer to him as he draws closer to us.
Galatians 4:6-7 - "Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir."
True freedom is being a slave to God.
It is our job to stay connected to the vine as we stay connected it is now God's job to work in us and make us holy!
You see, we have the responsibility to stay connected, that's it!!!
Connection is the source....the result is a life that is HOLY!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anthony Evans... Album The Bridge

He is the one who formed me therefore he has the DIVINE right to call me!

† ...We all come to a place where GOD is taking us from what He had, to what He has in store. As we continue this journey, true solace isn't found in knowing what's on the other side; it's only found in WORSHIPING Him as we cross... †

THE ABC'S of Christianity

Although things are not perfect

Because of trial or pain

Continue in thanksgiving

Do not begin to blame

Even when the times are hard

Fierce winds are bound to blow

God is forever able

Hold on to what you know

Imagine life without his love

Joy would cease to be

Keep thanking Him for all the things

Love imparts to thee

Move out of “Camp complaining”

No weapon that is known

On earth can yield the power

Praise can do alone

Quit looking at the future

Redeem the time at hand

Start every day with worship

To “thank” is a command

Until we see him coming

Victorious in the sky

We’ll run the race with gratitude

Xalting God most high

Yes, there will good times and yes some will be bad, but

Zion waits in glory…where none are ever sad!!


Dancing With God

When I meditated on the word Guidance,

I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.

I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.

When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.

The movement doesn't flow with the music,

and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.

When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,

both bodies begin to flow with the music.

One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back

or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another.

It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.

The dance takes surrender, willingness,

and attentiveness from one person

and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.

When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".

"God, "u" and "i" dance."

God, you, and I dance.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust

that I would get guidance about my life.

Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God's blessings

and mercies are upon you on this day and everyday.

May you abide in God, as God abides in you.

Dance together with God, trusting God to lead

and to guide you through each season of your life.

This prayer is powerful and there is nothing attached.

If God has done anything for you in your life,

please share this message with someone else.

There is no cost but a lot of rewards;

so let's continue to pray for one another.



The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. - Psalm 51:17 NIV

We don't always know the reason for our trials, but God revealed to Paul the reason for his 'thorn in the flesh.' It was to keep him from being 'exalted' (See 2Co 12:7). Success can be intoxicating, and intoxicated people aren't known for being too bright or trustworthy! What happens when you get a thorn in your flesh? It hurts. And you'll let everything else go while you focus on removing it. Three times Paul prayed for God to remove the thorn, but God had another plan. You see, God is at His strongest in us when we are at our weakest. When Paul discovered that God's power in his life was tied to the thorn that afflicted him, he responded, 'I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.For whenever I am weak, then I am strong' (2Co 12:10 NRS). In other words, 'If it's for my good, bring it on, Lord!' If you've a thorny person in your life from whom you've prayed to be delivered and it hasn't happened, maybe God wants you to experience His grace and power through dealing with that person. But you won't experience this until you move from pain to praise. The Bible speaks about 'the sacrifice of praise to God' (Heb 13:15). A sacrifice means that something has to die on somebody's altar. So if you want to experience God's grace and power in your life, you must be willing to die to self-interest, ego, and independence. There's nothing wrong with asking God to remove your thorn. But when your prayer for deliverance turns to praise, you're on your way to power, because God is giving you grace.

Sincere Prayer of a Warrior

Lord will you please
get me through these valleys?
The ups and the downs,
The highs and the lows,
Frequent stops,
no one knows
Just where we'll end up.
This journey is long
But my fight goes on.
I'll endure to the end,
Walk me through each bend
The twists and the turns
The unavoidable curves
God my love for you pushes me
to the next level
I won't give up now and
I curse the devil
for trying to mess.
I'll fight through this test
Cuz my heart will go on,
As I sing my victory song.
Because greater is he that is in me!
God you have the last word
I know that in the end we'll all wear a crown as in worship we'll all bow down
Before the Lord of hosts,
The Holy Ghost,
Jesus Christ,
The keeper of my life,
Glorious one.
Your kingdom come
Your will be done

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One of the books that I have most recently read is called "The Church that never sleeps" written by Matthew Barnett. That book is so amazing it opened my eyes to the reality of ministry and giving your life for it. Sometimes as Christians we are so comfortable just doing "enough" to get by but the reality is that is not right. When Jesus gave his life...He gave his all!! Not just enough to save the world. He gave his best, his life. God gave his all, his son. Why are we so arrogant to think we can give him bits and pieces of our lives and expect him to change everything and we get upset when certain areas of our life don't work out like we want them to. Maybe we need to surrender more to him =)  Back to "The Church that never sleeps" That book is so amazing because it truly captures the heart of a man that just wants to give his life to change and impact this world for God. It is a must read! Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Technology is just unbelievable! I am blogging from my mobile phone through text! Amazing!


I am so excited today because tomorrow Fayth Elizabeth Garcia will be born and though she is just my cousin, I still feel like an auntie!! Babies are so beautiful and special and I can't believe how amazing it is that God is the creator of something so amazing as a baby and creator of all of the world. It seems so crazy but he really is amazing!! So many people try to convince me that I need to have a baby. They think that it will make my life complete. Its funny how others think they know so much about me and what will make me complete. But I put my trust in God and whenever he says it is time..then that is when it will be time, for now...NO!! It's so frustrating because once you get married it's like the next step to have a baby. Well, it is just not my time to produce offspring and I know when it is time...I will be ready! My destiny is in the hands of God and him alone. I don't live for anyone but him.

Monday, July 20, 2009


My first blog! EVER! This is my opportunity to let the world know the depth the lies within... I never understood the power of releasing your thoughts into the world yet I am grateful for the fact the God has blessed me with the power of expression, Thank you Lord!
Releasing your thoughts can free you and allow you to be yourself. Today I am 4 days away from a life changing move. I can't share it yet but God has been stirring me up for a big decision for 4 months now. One that requires complete steps of Faith....following God and not my own thoughts...But I choose to live by faith and not by sight. It's not completely easy but I have to choose this. So here goes... I am ready to walk through the door and unleash the DREAM!! "The door we fear going through the most, may be the one that we meet God most profoundly....Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus.