Monday, November 16, 2009

CVI is my Motivational DNA!!

Melissa’s Motivational DNA Type is: CVI
(Connection-Variety-Internal) The Relater

Relaters are caring and creative. They relish life and cherish relationships. Relaters are outgoing, friendly and well-liked. They are resourceful and inventive, with an ability to compromise to get the job done. They are team players that bring out the best in others. Warm and enthusiastic, they balance concern for others with a zeal for personal growth.

Relaters are personal and practical in their approach to problem-solving. They have an innate ability to creating win-win solutions. Relaters value what is really important and desire to make a positive contribution to society. Blending loyalty with adventure, Relaters are fun friends and devoted partners.

CVI Motivators: Genuine appreciation for a job done well, opportunities for personal growth, fun co-workers, teamwork, new experiences and an inspiring work environment.

CVI De-Motivators: Isolation, rigid routine, pressure-cooker deadlines, quenching creativity, disapproval and conflict.

Pretty interesting: find out yours at

1. You are a people person, so the best way for you to achieve your objectives is to collaborate with a partner or group of people who share the same purpose. Find or create a support group that will cheer you on until you reach your goal.
2. Follow-through is a challenge for your motivational style. You must become accountable to your goal and do something each day, no matter how small, that moves you closer to your target.
3. Take some time to soul search and ask yourself why your goal is important. Write down those reasons and refer to them often. It is the “why,” not the “how,” that inspires your motivational type.