Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thanks in Giving

Sometimes you sit back an realize that your life has so much meaning...
Money, fame, or titles does not matter because they don't define YOU!
People that truly love you and genuinely care about you...surround you.
You realize that the heart of ministry is Compassion..
You realize that that those who seem to oppose you are really just interested in who you really are...and don't know how to go about it.
You realize that salvation matters....not little cares of life.
You realize that the God you serve is so amazing that he sends you love notes and hugs daily!
You realize that the people in your life are there for a reason.
You realize that things may not be perfect but God is!
The simple things that can not be bought matter more than any-THING money could afford.
It's in these moment of clarity that I cannot help but Praise the Lord for his goodness..
This year my family decided to celebrate Thanksgiving early because some of us will be on our mission's trip, touching people in another country and for that I am grateful to be a part of the body of Christ reaching out. Although I am just one person, God wants to use my experience, my willingness and obedience to love on others in another country. As I sat at the table laughing and enjoying my family I realized....What a blessing I have to be able to sit in their company and laugh until it hurts.
Truly this feeling could not be found anywhere
Take a moment and...
Learn to appreciate people!
Learn to appreciate Life!
Learn to appreciate yourself!
Learn to THANK our kind, just, loving and merciful SAVIOR!