Monday, April 30, 2012

Presents for my Lil one!

Aww! It's approximately 26 weeks until we meet our Lil blessing and we are already being showered with love and gifts!!! I'm so excited about it all!
Being a brand new soon to be momma, it's a great feeling to be showered with love and great wishes from people. Not too long ago I was able to meet in person a sweet friend that I met through instagram (social networking is wonderful!) The sweet @beautybee met up with me while I was in New York and gave me my very first baby gift! I was so thankful and my heart melted. She also got us a sweet card for our "little star!"

My wonderful pastor's wife also sent us a Congratulations card as soon as she heard the thoughtful!

And one of my good friends is letting us borrow her adorable baby bassinet and it's perfect for either a boy or girl, being that we still don't know what we are having.

I'm all the more excited about our upcoming Gender Reveal Baby shower that we will be going home to Florida for in June (hopefully!) Yay!! My baby isn't here yet but is already so loved! I'm a proud soon to be momma!

Can't wait until our baby shower....btw, we have already begun our baby registry and OH MY was that interesting! We were both so exhausted & overwhelmed by the end of the night. Hahahaha!! 
Oh the joy of things to come!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well hello there baby bump!!

I'm quite excited to see the weekly growth of my baby bump. It is still something that is so very new and strange. [I am a bit freaked out by the whole thing still!] But excitement rises daily, especially when I get to see how excited my hubs is!
 It was a little rough in the beginning, I lost a bit of weight but now I'm starting to finally gain...YAY! So far it's only been 2 pounds but my doctor says that I'm doing well :D
Just wanted to share a few pics that I'm loving! Here is #babybonilla!!

I must admit....I am so freaked out that this coming Monday I will be 16 weeks [4 months!!!] OH MY!! 
I hope that it doesn't fly by so fast that I hardly get to enjoy it! 
I'm working on educating myself daily but you know how it is, you are never truly prepared for a new journey until you are fully emerged into it. 
Blessings loved ones!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A New York style Wedding!

It's been way too long since I went to a very New York wedding and OH MY are they gorgeous! While in New York I attended my cousin's wedding. It was so much fun and so beautiful! My cousin is, of course, Puerto Rican and his beautiful bride is Russian....this makes for a very cool combination. We enjoyed a wonderful evening of love, laughing, eating, dancing, eating, photo booth fun...and.....more eating! It's so great to be around all my family, all having a blast. Definitely the most memorable wedding ever! See for your self ;)
All dolled up for the wedding :)

Exchanging vows

Mr. & Mrs. Rivera!

He was sooooo happy!

Cocktail hour.......sooo much food!

Yup, there was a boat in!

Lovely bride! 
My & the best man (my cousin)

The Groom & I (my cousin)


This place was GORGEOUS!!! 

My lovely family!

Their 1st dance as
Mr. & Mrs.
Photo fun!

my dinner!

the cousins with grandma

She liked that photobooth :)

She's Jewish so they had too!

Dessert hour was UH-MAZING!!!! 

What a lovely wedding it was....New family....tons of food & tons of laughter...PERFECT!

Monday, April 23, 2012

New York...My secret love affair!

What's not to love about New York city!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! I was born in Brooklyn, NY. I can never get enough of this place really.... It's been 2 years since the last time that I went and can I say I was ecstatic to visit again?!?! So I visited for a week and spent such a lovely time with my sister and my mother. It was perfect! Walk, shopping, and eating around the city is so therapeutic. If you've never experienced it then it is a must do! Well, enough chattering, enjoy my pics of the city :D!

taken while on the ferry back from Staten Island
the World Trade Center memorial bldg :)  
the lovely Statue of Liberty!
We took the train, ferry, and bus to church
The Meatball shop! So yummy!


All dressed up for a wedding :)

My cousin's beautiful wedding! {this will get a blog post all it's} 
riding the train with some great people!

Central Park!

Having a picnic in Central Park! 

My favorite ladies <3 

My pretty sister!!

Alice and Wonderland statue in Central Park (so many kids were there!)

yup! famous for their frozen hot yummy! 

Excuse me, do you have any Grey Poupon? 

Spring time in NY!!!! Love!!

we get our good looks from our momma!

getting ready for some action!

FDNY vs. NYPD great game!! 

been eating them since I was a kiddo..

The front door to my home in NY when I was a kid 

Just another day in the city with my favorite gals! 
All vacations have to come to an end at some point, it's sad because these ladies are so special to me.
 I'm thankful for every moment with them!!!!  
Who do you love to vacay with?