Friday, April 6, 2012

There's a Lil someone growing in 'mah belly'

Well, that's exactly how it felt for me.........a huge unexpected SURPRISE!
Hehehe! It's true and yet so incredibly hard to believe still!! I found out on February 17th that we were expecting :D and yet I didn't believe it until 2weeks later when we went to the doctor and heard the precious heartbeat of #BabyBonilla.
I'll tell ya, it's a special moment when you hear that heartbeat. You get such an incredible feeling of astonishment and amazement...just so overwhelming! To hear that lil pitter patter and think "WOW....God created that!" to say special is an understatement.

[Everyday I ask God if he's sure I am the right person to be the parent to a Lil one and I think he laughs at me.]

So we are expecting our lil one to arrive on or around October 14th! Yippee!!!! Hubs is excited to share his birthday with our lil one, his bday is the 19th so they will be very close in dates. We are currently brainstorming names [feel free to make suggestions] and other details that are so incredibly exciting. I can't wait to register for presents for my lil one. That will definitely help it feel all the more REAL!
Well, I've got lots more details to share but I'm exhausted and turning in for the night. We're so excited to share this journey with everyone.

ps. no belly pics yet bc I only look like I had one too many's not showing material just yet, haha!

Sweet dreams and have a wonderful weekend!!!! xoxo