Thursday, April 26, 2012

Well hello there baby bump!!

I'm quite excited to see the weekly growth of my baby bump. It is still something that is so very new and strange. [I am a bit freaked out by the whole thing still!] But excitement rises daily, especially when I get to see how excited my hubs is!
 It was a little rough in the beginning, I lost a bit of weight but now I'm starting to finally gain...YAY! So far it's only been 2 pounds but my doctor says that I'm doing well :D
Just wanted to share a few pics that I'm loving! Here is #babybonilla!!

I must admit....I am so freaked out that this coming Monday I will be 16 weeks [4 months!!!] OH MY!! 
I hope that it doesn't fly by so fast that I hardly get to enjoy it! 
I'm working on educating myself daily but you know how it is, you are never truly prepared for a new journey until you are fully emerged into it. 
Blessings loved ones!
