Friday, July 29, 2011

Let the Crafternoon begin!

OMGeeeee!!!! Fabric and buttons galore...YAYYY!!! My friend discovered this WONDERLAND of all things lovely and so we raided that place. I got so many pretty things for less than $20 and we got  free patterns with our purchase, that was truly amazing. I am so stinking excited.
I can't wait to make pretty things for me and for my Etsy shop [which is going to be up an running very soon] YIPPEEEE!!!!

I plan on making some of these lovely buttons into earrings YAY!

FABRIC love!

I just love the different fabrics!

This weekend will be full of crafting and D.I.Ying
Enjoy your weekend, may it be full of fun-having and life-enjoying!

Psalm 84:10a "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere....."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Vegan Yum-Yums!

So I was hungry for something sweet the other night but realized that we didn't have milk or eggs.....blah!
Then I googled some recipes that didn't need either of those and came up with this super easy recipe:

Vegan Cake by O Chef

1-1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup oil
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup cold water

Mix all ingredients together until smooth. Grease and flour a loaf pan, and bake for 45 minutes at 350° (175°C). You can also add chocolate chips and/or nuts.

I decided to add some chocolate chips that I had left over (half a bag or so) and some coconut flakes. 
It was yummy!!! From the looks of it everyone else thought so too! YAY! You should try it out & let me know what you think! 
 Enjoy! XOXOX

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lovely Obsessions!

This is a Beautiful display of things I'm loving now!! 
BIRDS! [this is too cute]

Love & Birds go hand in hand!

Makes my heart smile!

BLUE! i love the color and everything in this pic!

BOXES! [decorative & stylish of all shape & sizes!]

BOWS! I can never have enough :D
I really want a BRICK wall in my house

EVEN MORE Lovely Obsessions!! Ahhhhh!
YES! This is my life right now!!!

Love everything about this fabric!!

Feather hair extensions!!! YES!

Love the dress...especially love grey & yellow combo

This is just a summation of my thoughts! 
I miss so many people that are hundreds of miles away from me right now! 
I want to squeeze the ones I love [so much right now] but most of them are in Florida or NY.  
I just miss them beyond words! One of the things I dislike is being separated by miles!
[P.S. Happy Birthday my sweet lil FayFay....I wish I was squeezing you right now!]

Very well said!

I'm MADD about recycling & these crayons are CUTE! 

Going GREEN! hahaha love this ring!

Cutest tissue holder ever!

Have a LOVELY week doing whatever you do!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friendship is a GIFT!

In life, I have realized that friendship is so important because with friends you grow together through phases of change and sharpen each other in moments of much needed encouragement.
Through friendships we see a reflection of ourselves, we offer help and advice when needed, we are inspired, and we feel loved from someone that chooses to love us, even with our madness and all! ha!
'Friends are the family we choose for ourselves'
I pray that I could truly be a good friend! 
I pray that the people that matter to me, would know that they do!

Recently, a great friend of mine got me some lovely things to make more bows and other crafts with!!
Since I have picked up a few crafting hobbies lately, I am extremely excited about this. 
Included is a jewelry box, buttons, lace, earrings, nail files, a photo book, 
and a "to do-to buy-to call" note organizer set! AHHH! Love it!

My sweet friend also got me a lovely mountain of fabric from this amazing lil store she went to. Can't wait to make lots of bows and who knows what else!!
Lovely crafts to come!

I used some lovely RIT dye to have a variety of fabric and look what I got:

Pretty :)

These are my new jewelry/accessory boxes and I just love them!
[They replaced my old, clunky jewelry box]

This is just for decoration! [currently 30% off at Hancock Fabric!]

So I did some more shopping with my friend and got some more pretty things to D.I.Y. with!! 
So excited! 

Can't wait to get started on some LOVELY projects!
Sweet friendship is a reward in itself! Be a good friend!
Have a Lovely weekend! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Michael Buble Concert {part Uno}

Wow! I just realized that I never posted any photos of the WONDERFUL Michael Buble concert from last month! It was so much fun! My friend actually won the tickets on the radio and took me with her! How Sweet! So we took a nice drive to Austin which was only about an hour or so! 
I got to see him in concert last March in Florida just before we moved to Texas and it was PHENOMENAL, so when my friend invited me to go with her I was ecstatic! 
It was an unforgettable evening!

Naturally Seven is a group that does 'vocal play' [I'll post videos later!]

Our Fat girl snacks  YUM!

Here he is! 

Very funny guy!

He's such an entertainer!

Working his way through the crowd

On the stage in the back of the auditorium!

Being silly! haha!

One of his final acts. . . .  :(

Final goodbyes

 We were some very happy girls that evening! Thanks Ashley for taking me!!!!!!

Fun-having in the capital of Texas!

Michael Buble never disappoints!
I highly recommend seeing him in concert, just amazing.....
I will post videos of the concert very soon.
Happy Week to you all!