Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friendship is a GIFT!

In life, I have realized that friendship is so important because with friends you grow together through phases of change and sharpen each other in moments of much needed encouragement.
Through friendships we see a reflection of ourselves, we offer help and advice when needed, we are inspired, and we feel loved from someone that chooses to love us, even with our madness and all! ha!
'Friends are the family we choose for ourselves'
I pray that I could truly be a good friend! 
I pray that the people that matter to me, would know that they do!

Recently, a great friend of mine got me some lovely things to make more bows and other crafts with!!
Since I have picked up a few crafting hobbies lately, I am extremely excited about this. 
Included is a jewelry box, buttons, lace, earrings, nail files, a photo book, 
and a "to do-to buy-to call" note organizer set! AHHH! Love it!

My sweet friend also got me a lovely mountain of fabric from this amazing lil store she went to. Can't wait to make lots of bows and who knows what else!!
Lovely crafts to come!

I used some lovely RIT dye to have a variety of fabric and look what I got:

Pretty :)

These are my new jewelry/accessory boxes and I just love them!
[They replaced my old, clunky jewelry box]

This is just for decoration! [currently 30% off at Hancock Fabric!]

So I did some more shopping with my friend and got some more pretty things to D.I.Y. with!! 
So excited! 

Can't wait to get started on some LOVELY projects!
Sweet friendship is a reward in itself! Be a good friend!
Have a Lovely weekend!