Friday, July 29, 2011

Let the Crafternoon begin!

OMGeeeee!!!! Fabric and buttons galore...YAYYY!!! My friend discovered this WONDERLAND of all things lovely and so we raided that place. I got so many pretty things for less than $20 and we got  free patterns with our purchase, that was truly amazing. I am so stinking excited.
I can't wait to make pretty things for me and for my Etsy shop [which is going to be up an running very soon] YIPPEEEE!!!!

I plan on making some of these lovely buttons into earrings YAY!

FABRIC love!

I just love the different fabrics!

This weekend will be full of crafting and D.I.Ying
Enjoy your weekend, may it be full of fun-having and life-enjoying!

Psalm 84:10a "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere....."