Tuesday, September 16, 2014

my very own gym!

This is my space, this is where I spend my alone time. It's just me competing against myself. Making myself better every day. Here you'll find me pushing play & yelling at my personal trainer on the screen, haha, yup it happens.  Everyone needs their own personal space to develop, to be creative, to express your passion and, most of all, to grow. If you want to be a better person you've got to dedicate time to work on Y O U. That's it. 
Anyhow, my basement was the perfect room to transform. I fought it for a while but then I embraced it.  
This was the before process....my clean up crew ;)

And this is the "after" yup that's a Christmas tree you see there! 

I have a place of my very own that I am so proud of. 
Where do spend your "me" time?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Yay for new hair!!!

There it is, I chopped it off!! And for good reason. I've always wanted to donate my hair to Locks of Love and today I decided it would be the day I finally did it. 
My hubby was out of town and I wanted to surprise him so I decided to head out to do this thing. Well, in my excitement, I totally forgot to book an appointment (on a Saturday, in the middle of the day, I know, dumb) and I ended up frustrated. I visited a few places in the area and called a few places no one had availability so I was going to head home but then I remembered a place by my favorite Target store. So I looked up their number, called, and they had room for me. I walked in nervously and sat down. When the lady came over to ask me what I was looking to do today I told her that I was going real short. I had already tied my hair back and it was braided, since Locks of Love requests it to be donated that way. She just loved the fact that I came prepared with my hair ready to be chopped off and shipped out. 
Another stylist heard me telling her and immediately came over to me and said "hey, well we can send it over to Locks of Love for you.....and your haircut is free!" I was so shocked I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped.

F R E E?!!

How amazing is that?

And here I was just minutes before frustrated and ready to go back home when God had it set up all along. He's so good and I am so glad for His perfect timing. 

Now someone else will have the joy of a new 'do. 
Doing this gave me such great joy. 
I can truly say it's better to give than to recieve. 

Here it is... All 16 inches of it. 
It's a little creepy looking but it's a cool story and those sweet ladies made me feel amazing. 
Plus, I love my new hair. 

Has anyone out there ever donated your hair? 

I'd love to hear about it. 
Good night!