Monday, April 30, 2012

Presents for my Lil one!

Aww! It's approximately 26 weeks until we meet our Lil blessing and we are already being showered with love and gifts!!! I'm so excited about it all!
Being a brand new soon to be momma, it's a great feeling to be showered with love and great wishes from people. Not too long ago I was able to meet in person a sweet friend that I met through instagram (social networking is wonderful!) The sweet @beautybee met up with me while I was in New York and gave me my very first baby gift! I was so thankful and my heart melted. She also got us a sweet card for our "little star!"

My wonderful pastor's wife also sent us a Congratulations card as soon as she heard the thoughtful!

And one of my good friends is letting us borrow her adorable baby bassinet and it's perfect for either a boy or girl, being that we still don't know what we are having.

I'm all the more excited about our upcoming Gender Reveal Baby shower that we will be going home to Florida for in June (hopefully!) Yay!! My baby isn't here yet but is already so loved! I'm a proud soon to be momma!

Can't wait until our baby shower....btw, we have already begun our baby registry and OH MY was that interesting! We were both so exhausted & overwhelmed by the end of the night. Hahahaha!! 
Oh the joy of things to come!