Friday, May 4, 2012

Preparing for a lil one!

Oh the JOY of baby shopping!!
 So last week I convinced hubs to go do our baby registry... oh my was that funny?! 
We had so much fun pretending like we knew what we were doing. Ha! 
Being, me of little patience, this adventure was quite the laugh. Just trying to figure out how to close a 
stoller I worked up a sweat...haha! We had found the perfect stroller and it was not too big and bulky, well needless to say, we didn't register for it because lil old me could not close it without a struggle. 
Then after 2 hours we just plopped down in the rocking chairs and gliders in the store until we decided to end the night with frozen yogurt because that's what #babybonilla wanted.....YUMMM!
Well...long story short I realized that I don't like themed baby stuff and I DON'T want a gender specific nursery. I don't like baby blue or baby pink, well I don't think I like pastels in general for my baby's room. But I am really liking the grays and yellow colored items. And I love a bird/birdcage theme.
So I looked up nurseries in those colors and I just LOVED what I found! 
Here are some pics of my favorites!!
Great ideas here!
Love the stripes, that is favorite crib!
This website caught my attention and I Love it!
I could paint that! 

So who wants to help me paint my baby's room?!! 
Hehehe! I have a feeling that a large portion of my nursery will be DIY :D and I am ok with that!!
