Monday, May 14, 2012

My last blog a 20 something year old!

Although I have no control over what age I turn, I'm not completely hating the idea of being a 30 year old. Yes it's scary, of course, who wouldn't want to be in their 20's forever?! But I am looking forward to a new decade and new things to come! In my 20's I experienced some of the best things in life: college, dating, marriage, graduations, traveling, the re-marriage of my parents, moving to another state and starting a whole new adventure with my Mr., starting a crafting hobby,  the list could go on forever! I am so thankful for all the people that are in my life that have loved me, motivated me and been there for me in the best and worst of times. 
In my 30's I look forward to being a mommy!!! And a million other things that I am so excited about. But today I just want to breath it all one day at a time. 

Here's a wish list that I have had since last year. I just took a look at it to see how much I've accomplished. I've still got a ways to year to accomplish new things. YAY!
30 something wishes:
1. Blog more 
2. Go on a cruise with Hubby
3. Take a road trip with no purpose other than FUN (see here)
4. Re-learn guitar
5. Re-learn piano
6. More song writing
7. Work on my book
8. Buy bikes for me and hubs
9. Paint more
10. Have a fully functioning Etsy shop (half way there!)
11. Sew lovely things
12. Exercise 3-4 times a week faithfully
13. Do a Daniel fast
14. Learn to make lots of different things
15. Learn to make buttons for my blog & fancy it up (of course more could be done)
16. Do more outdoorsy stuff with Hubs
17. Learn to cook a new dish once a month
18. Bake more often
19. Be a better friend
20. Donate to an outside charity 
21. Learn to use my camera better (does editing on my iPhone count?)
22. Get a pretty tattoo
23. Use my blog to its fullest
24. Make a blogger button
25. Learn all I can about being a mommy
26. Have a semi-normal sleep schedule
27. Advance in my job/career (getting there)
28. Have more parties just for fun!
29. Read more books
30. Appreciate my family more!

7 out of 30...not bad...

God has given me a wonderful life and I plan to enjoy every ounce of it! So Happy Birthday to me!! Sweet dreams...MUAH!
