Friday, July 31, 2009

The Big Bang argument

I heard a preaching about Big Bang theory and it was very interesting:
We live in a UNIVERSE... Uni-means one, or single, Verse- is a spoken sentence.
We live in a single spoken sentence. God spoke and created this world with just his words.
John 1:1-4
1-In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2-He was with God in the beginning. 3-Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4-In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood[a] it.

Scientists believe that we came from the Big Bang theory which originated from a single dot (a.k.a.) a piece of dirt but...where did the dirt come from?
If we explain we believe in God then they ask "who created God?"
It is a round about argument between the scientists and Christians.
So we believe...In the beginning God.....and they believe...In the beginning dirt...Interesting!
They believe in Law...but what law?
They believe in energy...where did that energy come from?
A Big Bang of nothing exploded and created everything?? WOW! How can that make sense.
In the Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...he did it that way just to make the Big Bang theory look stupid!
The Big Bang theory has made no sense for many years but that is all that science can hold on to. They have no other theory to fall back on.
If the Big bang theory was true everything would have spread evenly after the bang but it did not.
The Bible does speak of a Big Bang theory but it has not happened yet,
The Big Bang is coming soon...Get ready for it...
The bible says a "Fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
Also they believe that the Earth is billions of years old if we calculate from Genesis to now it is around 6,000+ years old. A couple thousand years ago (after the flood in Noah's time) there were 8 people to populate the Earth from then to now there has been enough time to get to the number of people on Earth now.
If one someone believes in evolution then that means we have been around for billions of years and that would mean we would have billions more people on this Earth than there are now.

This all has become of interest to me because, I once read that if we don't know our opponents argument then we can not completely know our own.
As Christians we need to always have a reason for the hope that we have.
We must be ready at all times to defend our faith.
The Bible says we perish because of lack of knowledge....
We need to educate ourselves and learn to defend our faith just as we would defend our favorite movie star, favorite athlete or friend.
Youth today seek out various "accessories" to define who we are when our true identity can only be found in Christ!