Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Called by a King?!

I am reading a new book called "Worship: It's not just Sunday Morning" and I am really enjoying it! I am only 2 chapters into the book but, WOW! It really put some things into perspective for me. What do you really think about worship and what it is meant to be? It starts with the chapter called "Worship is all of life" and I was impacted immediately! This is an excerpt that I loved "Every act of obedience to God in thought,word or deed is worship. Our entire life and all its activities bring either glory or disgrace to God." Wowwww!!!

This weekend while I was in worship service I was thinking about how crazy we all can get [myself included!] when we come close to a famous person...the craziness of speaking to them or being close to them is unbearable! It's strange....and yet, that person will never care more about us than the One who created the Heavens and the Earth. This doesn't make sense to me? How come I don't get that crazy over God? Hmmmm...I think that we often take for granted the depth of having a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have been saying that I would begin a fast in order to pray for some serious things going on, both in & around my life but every time I set a date I somehow weasel my way out of it. But Sunday it hit me!! I am being called by my King, the one who made the Heavens & the Earth. THE KING of KINGS wants to talk with me and foster a relationship with me?!?! What on Earth could possibly be more important [or thrilling!!] than that? NOTHING! Then I thought about an excellent Bible study I did on the book of Esther. She mentions how she cannot enter the Kings presence unless she is called or it may result in death! That is scary but then it makes me think how favored we are because we can enter the presence of the King of Kings without such fear because He is always calling us to His presence....that's amazing to me!  I'm done wasting my time and talking myself out of the very thing that He is calling me to. I choose to live for God and now I need to reflect that! Needless to say, I fell in love with my God all over again....

If you are being called by the King! Then it's up to you to answer....this may change your life!? 
Be Encouraged and Blessed today, because God would like to dine with you! 

Revelation 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."