Friday, June 17, 2011

Something Borrowed

Sweets & a good read!

I hardly ever read books that are purely for entertainment just because I have been in school for what seems like forever....I had so many different books to read on a weekly basis! So as you can see entertainment reading had to be put on the shelf until now! I got this book for my birthday from my lovely [one day...soon to be!] sister in law Jelli! And I must say it was one of the best books I have read in a long time! I couldn't put it down and literally stayed up until the wee morning hours finishing it. I haven't purchased the next book just because I am in the middle of 4 other books that must be read asap for church & leadership training. I just know that if I buy Something Blue I won't be able to put it down. So I am practicing self control for just a few more weeks.....ahhhhhhhhh!!!! So if you are looking for a good read then I recommend this one for starters!
Happy Reading lovely peeps!