Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Battle is on!

Planet fitness is my gym! WooooHOOOO!!! But sad to say that until this week I had not been there in over a month....shame on me!!! So I got myself a hott trainer [my hubs! hehehe] and he is putting me on a workout routine. I need to do this because I have two weddings in the next 8 months and that means I have bridesmaid dresses to squeeze into. AaAaaaAAhhhhhHHHHH!!!!  Not only that....I have to lose the 25 pounds that have so happily made their home on this Puerto Rican girl since I got married 3 years ago. I'm not really a girl to obsess over weight but when my clothes barely fit, it breaks my heart! So here is the goal...7 lbs a month must be lost over the next few months! That's attainable right?! So hopefully I can give a good monthly update on's to lots of hard work! [Pray for me!]
Happy Sweating & Shedding lbs!!!