Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Daddy's Day!

On a day like today when we get to celebrate our dads, I am thankful to God because my Father has always been loving, protective and  caring. I realize how blessed I am to have such a wonderful Daddy!!!  Growing up I always knew that whatever I needed my dad would provide for me! I am thankful that he was the type of dad that listened to me and didn't rule with an iron fist. Although I got myself into some pretty little pickles, dad was always there to talk and he was a voice of reason rather than the one who said "I told you so...."
I  am so thankful for my dad's sense of humor that got us through some pretty hard times [especially when I got my first speeding ticket or when I ran into a mailbox with his beautiful car BETSY....haha!!].
I am thankful for my dad because he showed me the type of man that I should look for in my future! 
I am thankful for the fact that I look forward to our weekly and sometimes daily chats even if it is just a minute long because I know he cares enough to know how I'm doing!
I could never imagine a more perfect daddy!
On this day enjoy your father and spoil him if you can!!! They need to be showered with love too!!
Here are some pictures of my DADDY!
Me & Dad on my 29th bday

Daddy walking me down the aisle!

Daddy giving me away!

David, Tio Mark & Dad....being silly!

My Mom & Dad!

Happy Father's DAY!