Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nails done lovely! {part2}

I wanted to try something new for my manicure this week and a while back a friend of mine had told me about the newspaper nails...so I did it.
 It's so easy & so much fun!
 Sorry that my pics are not too clear but I promise it was cute!

Step 1: I painted them a light pink color.
Step 2: Then cut small pieces of newspaper.
Step 3: I dampened a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol.
Step 4: Then placed the newspaper on my nail and held it down with the wet cotton ball for 5 seconds.
Step 5: Peel off the newspaper and apply clear top coat to seal the design! 

I think next time I will try it with the comics section of the newspaper to get some color with it!

Just in case you wanted another way to do this, I found a YouTube video of the design:

Try something new!
Have a lovely day!