Wednesday, September 7, 2011

MORE....Calm in the chaos!

Our annual women's conference at Westover Hills was about 2 weeks ago and boy did I enjoy it! We had great conferences, worship, desserts, giveaways, and I was able to sell some of my lovely crafts, we also had a kicking after party (even some dancing..woooohoooo!)
We heard from a phenomenal woman with a great testimony, her name is Carol Kent. Her testimony is about living every parents nightmare as she got a 'middle of the night' call that her son had been arrested for murder....WOW! Talk about crisis, chaos, drama, & uncomfortable adjustments! 
You can hear her brief testimony in two parts here & here (they are worth listening to).
In her time of speaking she shared how every Christmas is now spent picking out dinner from the vending machine as she goes to see her son who will be in jail for the rest of his life..... heart-wrenching!

Today, I was just thinking about her testimony and how painful that must be...although I am not a parent I just wanted to cry as she was speaking! 
Sometimes in life we deal with pain, conflict, chaos....etc. But I can honestly say that my life & all of it's chaos does not compare to the pain of what this women feels! 
See, in the middle of our mess it seems like there is no hope, no refuge, even no purpose at all. 
The thing that we must remember is that chaos will come, we will be hurt by others and we will even feel alone...even Jesus suffered this. But there is always a little bit more strength to carry us through and by trusting in God we can heal from the most painful of events. It's true! 
God can do some amazing things! 
I'm praying for everyone who reads this....that God would show himself to you, even in chaos.

This is one of my poetic scribbles in honor of life's CHAOS:
I hear chaos coming but I refuse to allow it to change me.
I have been made in God's image so I can make it through.
I feel the brunt of chaos but I will not surrender to my feelings.
There is a meaning to all of this. 
In the process of the pain I know it is strength that I will gain.
God is by my side and in His truth I can confide.
I will not surrender or retreat because I won't accept defeat.
I will feel calm in the chaos because His glory is my deliverance. 
Side by side, 
Through and through, 
Christ's death gives new life that can heal you!

Our event wristbands
Modeling a veil to promote an event where we get to wear our Wedding
dresses again! So excited for that!

Leading worship with my pals!
Excellent giveaways!

I pray that you enjoy more Calm in your Chaos!

1 Corinthians 10:13 (The Message)
"No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it."