Sunday, September 4, 2011

Aloha! {Hawaii}

Lately, the Mr. & I have been talking about where we want to travel to & where we want to visit.
I am trying to get him to commit to a Mediterranean cruise for 2012 [we'll see how soon that goes!]
Also our church is doing a trip to Israel which I would love to go but with some family weddings in the near future I am afraid that he won't have enough vacation time to go to Israel for 10 days and that makes me so extremely sad!!!
On top of that, our music ministry is planning a missions trip to Puerto Rico next summer, so that is an expense we will have to cleverly raise funds for [thus the reason I had to pick up crafting hobbies].

In all our chatting and planning I realize that I have been so blessed to travel and experience a lot of the beauty on this earth, while I still have so many things to see, I am blessed & grateful for what I have seen.
Of all the places I have been I think I have LOVED Hawaii the most!
Back in 2006 my parents took us there and oh boy did we have a blast!
It was the perfect vacation, full of fun, adventure and sweet family time!
Unfortunately, the MR. & I were not married yet so he didn't come along on this LOVELY vacation but it was so amazing that I would love to go back with him some day!
Here are some pics:

He was out on the strip of Waikiki dressed different every! 
My lovely little family! 
The famous Diamond Head behind me! 
Pearl Harbor...such a Lovely historic place 
a real Hawaiian luau!
 luau (lū'au) is a Hawaiian feast....oh yes a feast indeed!!!

Snorkeling in the middle of the Pacific Ocean :D!

The lovely view from our room
Driving through the mountains was a beauty! This picture does no justice

 We discovered a fun outdoor market...that's my daddy, he's silly!
Beautiful orchid trees were everywhere!

Our hotel :D! 

Water Trikes were fun!
Lovely Rainbow!
Random photoshoot in the park!

We left our footprints in the sand!
We truly enjoyed ourselves and it was a vacation worth remembering! 
Here are some short videos of our time there, Enjoy:
We picked freshwater pearls from an oyster!

At the Luau they roasted a pig in the ground...that was interesting

Luau FUN! 

A hui hou!! (means Goodbye, until we meet again)