Friday, March 25, 2011

Martha Munizzi Worship Weekend

This past weekend we had Martha Munizzi come and minister at our church here in San Antonio, TX.
Her singing with our team!

It was exciting and eventful. Our choir, orchestra, band, rhythm & audio teams have been working so hard to learn her music and to prepare for this weekend. EVERYONE did a phenomenal job and God was glorified!! We even streamed live on Saturday night and people all over the country watched and worshiped the Lord with us! The response back was overwhelming. I am personally SO EXTREMELY proud of my own husband [who is a talented, anointed young man]! He ran the sound for Martha and his crew of men were there to oversee the transition from one service to another, and to help the evening be a huge success by taking care of all the 'issues' that showed up this weekend. Here is a picture of my amazing husband!!

I  although I have many more pictures and videos to share these are a few from a seriously talented photographer friend of mine! So enjoy and I will share some more very soon! XOXOXO

I love the people I am in ministry with! They are so talented and such genuinely great people!