Monday, April 29, 2013


I have been thinking about the word MAJESTY, it's defined as greatness, impressive dignity, supreme power and authority. When I think about God that is a perfect word to describe him....
It humbles me to think of Him and all of His majesty. I am literally in awe of Him.
Let all that I am praise the Lord. O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and majesty. (Psalms 104:1 NLT)
It makes me feel so unworthy to even be called His friend let alone His child.
Me? A child of the MOST HIGH God & Creator of THE universe....insanity!

I want an interior makeover...sometimes I feel like I need God to just start from scratch with heart has been so full of requests, needs, worries and the anxiety of what's to come that sometimes I want to just stop and let Him sink in ....really sink in.

Life has a way of being terrible, painful and yet precious & glorious. Am I making sense? Lately, my interior is crying for a makeover. In these past few weeks I must say that God is doing all of that in me. I'm not sure where He is heading with me but I'm enjoying the ride. I have felt a lot closer to Him than I have in a LONG time. I got so wrapped up in me and my life and I just forgot that I begin and end in Him. In His presence I feel so full. The Bible says there's a fullness of joy in His presence and I can truly feel that....I need that. I need God to rain on me. It's been a long while since I cried in His presence until recently and boy does that feel so good.

Lord, let me be changed by your presence and clean out this hot stinkin' mess of a human that I am....but let me be in YOUR hands. Stamp me with your majesty even though I'm so unworthy, thank you for loving me beyond the person that I am and seeing me for who you're creating me to be. Please don't finish with me yet. Amen.
I hope that I've encouraged someone.. Love ya'll!