Thursday, August 22, 2013

10 things about me {inspired by IG}

Yesterday, on IG I shared 10 things about me so why not share here too?! 

Here goes:
❶ I prefer cold coffee over hot! 
❷ I am an obsessive photo taker...but really! I love playing around with pictures & editing them to eventually put it in an album. 
❸ I'm a psychotic list maker, for real, I makes lists for everything in my life. 
❹ I have so many goals, passions, and creative ideas that sometimes I overwhelm myself and don't know where to start.
❺ I really love to cook and experiment with all kinds of foods & I usually try to make 2 new recipes a week, one food & one sweet treat, it's just a personal goal of mine.
❻ Singing is my absolute passion! I write songs but am so self critical that I barely have enough nerve to show my husband what I have because it's so personal.
❼ I am not confrontational at all, I am usually the peacemaker of the bunch so I get terribly annoyed by mean people who think that they are nice. Every time I see "meanness" acted out I begin to pray for myself and ask God to clean out my heart to show me if I am like that in any way at all. I try to live by Colossians 3:12 
❽I danced tap, jazz, ballet & hip hop when I was younger and I loved it!
❾ I was a nominee for homecoming queen while in high school, I didn't care that I didn't win b/c just being nominated was thrilling. 
❿I enjoy blogging/writing a lot and even if no one reads it I enjoy letting my thoughts free...that alone inspires me to keep doing it.

Play along and enjoy! 