Thursday, July 11, 2013

Weekend Fun-having: Celebrating the 4th

Oh my!!! I love celebrating and having fun with family! This 4th of July consisted of a parade that our church participated in and won a few awards like Best float & Mayor's choice. YAY! 
It was a "Made in America" theme, so we took it old school and had some lovely ladies dressed up as "The Andrew Sisters" singing 'Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B'
Then, in the evening, we watched the fireworks downtown by the arch it was glorious.
Also the rest of the weekend was great. Seeeeeee!

Probably my favorite picture of the day.
She loved the fireworks!

Let freedom sure is a beautiful thing.

Other weekend happenings: 

Found a great thrift store in Delmar loop

 And a vinyl store [LOVE!]
 I'm an 80's baby and grew up with Jane Fonda around....oooh the memories!

Hope your 4th of July weekend was great.
