Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye, bye 2011

I'm so sad to say goodbye to this year but a lot of good has come from it! Although some of my "goals" for 2011 have not been met I am not disheartened....there's always next year, haha! But I'm so glad to have accomplished a few important things such as:

  1. Writing more music
  2. Auditioning for the Voice (took some major guts, think I surprised myself with that one!)
  3. Started a crafting business on Etsy
  4. Started working full time
  5. Learning to edit & pretty up my own blog (for free!)
  6. Developing more of an eye for DIY projects
  7. Going on random, unplanned road trips 
  8. Fasting more often
  9. Blogging more often
  10. Throwing a fun costume party (so excited for the New Year's Masquerade we are throwing next week!)
  11. Strengthening family relationships 
  12. Finishing my Master's degree
Here's hoping that you are proud of the turnout for this year. I know I would not have been able to accomplish much without the support of my husband and family or the guidance of God. I'm just so grateful beyond words! I pray that all of you enjoy every moment with everyone in your life because you never know when it might be your last moment with them! May your life be a sweet fragrance before God and before the world. Let 2012 be a year of impact!

Ephesians 5:2 
"And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for us, 
a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God."