Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sweet littles Dates (btw this is my 100th blog post..YAY!!)

A couple of weeks ago, hubs & I went on a date [to do my fave things....SHOP & EAT!] We went to a place we never tried before calledGrimaldi's Pizzeria it's about 15 minutes away and it is decorated NY style. It was delicious food at a great price! I really enjoy finding yummy new places to eat, I am a major FOODIE [that's just one reason why my nickname it FAT GIRL & I don't mind, don't get me wrong I do not believe that I am fat, I just eat like I am!] I just can't help it, I truly appreciate good food. So any gathering, fellowship, girl time, etc. should include food because food is THE WAY to my heart! haha! OH...and pizza is something I could probably survive on, on a daily basis, seriously it is just sooooo YUM YUM!! I wish that I would have become a professional food taster because then I would really make good money...hahaha! Anyways, I highly   recommend this place. So check it out if you live in San Antonio or if you are visiting. I guarantee you will LOVE it! Here are some pics of that day :D Enjoy! 

 He decided to "try" my salad and liked it! [this is a miracle...btw]