Friday, April 22, 2011

In the 'Dryer Cycle'

My phone rang today and I recognized the phone with much anticipation and excitement I answered. The voice on the other line kindly asked for me and as I replied "this is her," she proceeded to thank me for  meeting with her... and the following words were not what I had hoped to hear....
She said, "Thank you so much for your time, but we have decided to chose another applicant"

...Ughhhh & OUCH!!....Were the only words that came to mind. I truly did not expect this phone call to turn out that way, but since it did, I must say that I have nothing but....HOPE!
See, I have been through this pattern a lot lately going through a really great interview only to find out I was not the chosen one [this blog is painfully embarrassing to write but stick with me, I am making a point] Ok, so HOPE did not come as quickly as it should have, truthfully the emotions that I have felt today are frustration, confusion, anger and then.....peaceful stillness!

As I sit here unable to sleep I can only think of writing to you [whoever you are that will be reading this because maybe, just maybe God will use me today to bless you....I can only HOPE!] So there is this necklace I have, that was given to me by my grandmother and although she meant this as a simple gift, God had a much bigger idea [He's great at that you know!] This necklace has a very important scripture on it 

which says, "Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him."

What I love about this scripture is that the writer is not saying "my souls find[S] rest in God, but rather he is actually TELLING his soul to find rest in GOD......does this make sense?!? See what he is trying to say is that we don't automatically have rest or peace or understanding or control in any situation, but we must CHOSE to rest in GOD because that is the only true HOPE we have.  We must actively decide to dwell in the rest of God, because more often than not, it will be up to us to find. Wow! I honestly have to tell you that I am being ministered to as I write this...AMEN! I love the WORD of much we can learn from it!
Sometimes we may feel like we are in the 'Dryer Cycle' in our lives because there is so much heat and pressure stirring in-about-beyond-over us, while life just tumbles all around! And like a dryer we are just waiting for that phone call or opportunity to set off the buzzer so that we can be free to be aired out, set out and ready for action. But sometimes we must wait and just HOPE that our moment is just an arm's length away. In my personal life I could not be happier. There have been so many things that look like windows of opportunity and I am just grateful to be were I am....In God's hands... I know I am just one step closer to my HOPE and shortly this will all be just a stepping block to my greater purpose. I truly believe this, while not negating the current frustration I feel, yet I won't allow that to dictate my overall attitude. I want to be branded by the HOPE of God because my HOPE comes from Him, just as His Word says and so while I am 'in waiting' my soul will be at rest in Him. I pray that you are encouraged, it's not as dark as it may seem, the door is only closed for a little while and in the meantime, until that buzzer goes off, just know that the craziness tumbling around you is meant to be there let is form you and be a part of you growth story...

By the way...the other side of that necklace reads these 4 precious letters:
I love you all!!! TRULY!!!