Saturday, April 9, 2011

Laugh Your a better Marriage

Last week our church held a marriage conference and it sold out! It was worth it because it was HELPFUL & HILARIOUS! It was a marriage conference for people who hate marriage conferences...hahaha! My hubs and I had never been to one before but he was working the event I decided to attend. I was excited as the event got closer because I had heard many good things about Pastor Mark Gungor and his seminar called Laugh Your Way to a better Marriage. We truly laughed throughout the whole conference. He was funny, entertaining, and cleverly informative. So to all of you who are married or thinking about it I highly recommend his seminars, books or study material. He spoke about the differences between men & women, pointing out that if their needs are not met it could lead to various problems both emotionally and physically. He even spoke about learning your spouses passions, strengths and gifts through a test called the Flag page. Hubs and I are gonna take the test and learn more about ourselves! [I also think its beneficial for me as a counselor to identify the traits in others] He encouraged people to do this test with your kids [they have it in a game form so it's fun for them!] to learn their personality so that you can be a better parent. Really good stuff!! Here are some YouTube videos of his conference to give you a preview of this goodness:

I hope you enjoy the videos!!!
If I had to give a few pieces of advice for marriage it would definitley include the things I learned at this conference plus a few helpful tips from my lil' brain would be:
1) never stop dating
2) flirt....A LOT 
and one of my favorite things that Mark Gungor said "One of the reasons why many marriages fail is because couples stop touching each other (something as simple as a hug!)
3) SO touch each other daily [I know my husband really liked that point! LOL!]

Enjoy!! MUAH!