Thursday, May 16, 2013

My very 1st Mother's Day

What a special new holiday to me!
I was so grateful to actually be able to participate in the Mother's Day celebration with all the wonderful momma's around the globe. Last year I was an expectant mother but WOW did time fly. Now I have a 7 month old and I just can't believe it. She's amazing in every way. I'm certain that all momma's feel the same way but I am truly grateful for my blessings! Since hubby slacked on the gift I wanted (hehe BOYS!) it was sold out so he gave me the option of choosing a present. So naturally I decided to give him baby/diaper duty all weekend. That worked out well. Momma got the weekend off (sorta) and I had time to bake a new macaroon recipe, clean the entire house and give myself a manicure & pedicure all in one day. Then Saturday I got to spend the day shopping  which is fun for any girl! I got treated to lunch and Starbucks, the weather so beautiful that I felt like I was on vacation. 
And finally Sunday I woke up to sweet love notes all over the house from daddy & Zariah. I enjoyed the day, went to church and got treated to dinner & frozen yogurt! A perfect way to spend the weekend. 
I can't complain. 
I'm blessed!

 Cocoa Hazelnut Macaroons! Yum! I will share the recipe soon, I promise.

My handmade card from my lil sweetheart. Love it! 

Dessert & Dinner!! :)