Saturday, May 28, 2011

Motivated by Madness

A while back I tweeted: "Been up since early practicing music & singing! I will be a for the rest of my life!! "

I mean it to! My desire is to sing and worship for the rest of my life....and even if I never get a record deal or the reality of my dream established [SINGING ALL OVER THE WORLD]...I will continue to WORSHIP! It is so scary to think that God's plans for me may not be what I think they should be, but regardless I trust Him with my entire life simply because He knows better than I do....I believe that!
So whether I'm out there singing it or whether I am just the author of the music, I believe that other people will worship with me as I exalt God with my talent! Pray for me as I pray for you....I pray that God's talents with in you would burst out of you to bless the world around you! 
His plan + Your life = One decision