Monday, November 26, 2012

Fall is amazing!

Hey there! It's fall time in the city! I just can't get enough of the cool weather. It makes me appreciate everything I have just a little more. The smell of cold air just fills me with joy. Holiday parties and being surrounded by friends and family makes this lovely lady so happy! What's your favorite thing to do in the fall season? I enjoy baking and cooking new recipes and I've had a lot more time to do so lately. I've been so wrapped up in loving and kissing on my little baby all day (and I love it!) We go for strolls in the neighborhood and enjoy mommy & baby time together. Could this season be any better? I'm so thankful for it all! God bless you all. Enjoy the perfect weather and the family time. Take some time to hug, kiss and cuddle your lil ones. That's what makes Happy Holidays!!