Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Earlier, I posted a picture like this to my IG acct and the caption read as it does below:
[the view from my bedroom window] soaking up the last few days of snow before it all melts away. These hydrangeas were once bright and alive, I still find them beautiful even like this. It gets me thinking about seasons both in the natural and in our personal lives how they're so necessary...each season of our life teaches us new lessons, brings a new hope, new experiences and gives us new grace. I'm sure grateful that God knows what He's doing. Although, I love the winter I couldn't live in it all year and although I love the summer sun I couldn't live in that all year...I'm sure glad that God gives us a break with new physical seasons to enjoy all His beauty & new spiritual seasons to learn & grow in Him. 

Can you feel me?

Catch my drift?

Our creator knows us so well that He knows we can't flourish, thrive or meet our potential living in the same conditions forever. We need new seasons, we need changes, we need the challenges. After all, through them we learn, grow, and become who God called us to be. He knows us, He knows YOU. 
Trust Him.
He will provide the right circumstances.
He will make a way.
His timing will be perfect!
He will give you the tools that you need, if only you will draw close. Hear Him. 
Your season is coming.
Hope is rising. 
It's not over. 
Take hold.
He loves you.

Blessings! xoxoXOxoxo