Sunday, January 19, 2014

eat well, live well

I'm part of a 30 day Beachbody challenge and I am so proud of myself for sticking to it and pushing through. I'm actually making better choices willingly and not just because "I should" or "I have to" but because I want to. Soooo this salad here was clean & yummy. I made my own delicious salad dressing, which was adapted from this pin and loaded the salad with all the veggies I could find then added this homemade topping. This was too easy not to. I'm finally putting my pinterest account to use (which is also a goal this actually try the things I've pinned). 
Baby steps! 
This year is off to a great start. 

What changes are you making in 2014?

even baby girl is eating "clean"  heeheeheehee! 
that's a veggie straw in her hand, a favorite snack these days.