Friday, May 20, 2011

Why fight?!

PEACE...We can learn something from Barbie! hehehe

Ok so I am a little embarrassed to admit this [hehehehe] but I am hooked on a show that plays on ABC Family called Secret Life of the American Teenager it's a crazy show that involves a bunch of teenagers who have babies, frenemies, and lots of drama! I don't remember how or why I started watching the show but I am hooked.....

So last night as I was catching up on the most recent episode I laughed because the entire episode was revolved around an argument or better yet a misunderstanding between two girls, which escalated into an argument with everyone connected to those two ladies [literally everyone was arguing!]. I couldn't help but think how many times I have experienced that in my own life. Throughout the course of my post high school education I have read plenty of books about counseling, conflict, etc. One of the most dominant thoughts in all the studying & reading I've done turns out to be so true and that is this "Hurting people will always hurt people." Anyhow, with all that info swimming around in my little head & then watching this show I could not help but think that the problem was blown out of proportion because the original two girls never 'talked it out.' And as I reflect on my own life I think of how many friendships or relationships I have ruined because of my pride, not wanting to face what I did wrong, or not wanting to say sorry. I want to be committed to love the people in my life and respect them by giving them the benefit of the doubt that they mean well. Not everyone is out to hurt us. One of the stars of this show "Secret Life" is one that lives in constant conflict with the other girls on the show. That is so sad to me, why live a life of constant animosity and conflict with others?! Let's LOVE more and LOVE more Often! I want to encourage you all to value the relationships and people in your life.

Just a few thoughts:
1. Choose to live in peace rather than conflict.
2. Choose to believe the best in people.
3. Choose communication rather than assumptions [something I struggle with, but I'm learning].
4. Self-talk is ok! David in the Bible often had to tell his soul to "rejoice in God your Savior" he needed to remind himself and his soul that God can be trusted. Sometimes we need self-talk to calm us down or make sense of a situation.
5. Commit to resolving conflict A.S.A.P. [believe me, life will be a lot more enjoyable]!
6. Stop those crazy thoughts when they pop's some biblical advice on that:
2 Corinthians 10:5 -  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
7. We need one another.... as much as we think we would be 'better off' without others, it's not true! 

As I was looking up scripture on the following was the scripture of the day: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” - Romans 15:5-6....hmmm interesting it's sort of coincidental, huh?

When we live in PEACE....we all win!

Goodnight, I hope you are blessed by this!