Sunday, May 22, 2011


My latest obsession is with Birds! I love them. In decoration, in real life and especially on jewelry!! While on vacay in Florida I bought this pretty bird box [which I have decided to use for jewelry]. I am so bored with my old jewelry box so I decided to buy hat boxes and use them to hold my jewelry and other random accessories, since I thought it would be more fun and decorative for my room!

While shopping at one of my favorite stores, Hobby Lobby, I bought this little box  below and once I got home....I got the bright idea to decorate it myself. Below are some pics of the process which I am very pleased with! Enjoy and be inspired to design your own!! (p.s. they are on sale right now at Hobby Lobby so hurry and get yours!)

My blank canvas

Tracing out my drawing!

Almost finished..

Front of the jewelry box :D

Final project....I'm loving it!