Friday, May 16, 2014


Happy Date of Birth to meeeeee!
I love May 15th, it's the sweetest day of the year (or so I've heard!) 
I just love my family and friends who always make me feel so special. It's quite amazing.
So, I'm thirty two these days and I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's funny they say age is just a number and I see the truth in that, I don't feel any older than 23 really. I'm so excited though because 2014 has been remarkable thus far, I've lost 15 pounds, I did a 5k, I've started reading more faithfully and hubby and I are really working on our fitness/health lifestyle as well as working hard to pay off bills and enjoy our life. I can't ask for anything more. Sometimes I feel more blessed than I deserve. This year big things are happening, I'm setting goals with purpose and reaching them on purpose! I am so very excited about what this "age" will bring to me. I'm also dreaming and believing for bigger and better in my life, no holding back. Taking more action, dreaming deeper and believing bigger. This is my year! Thank you Lord!
What are you believing for this year?!

{being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.} Philippians 1:6 NIV