Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nursery Room tour

i absolutely LOVE my daughter's room it's so peaceful. i am constantly redecorating it but that is ok, it's my right, ha! when I was pregnant and started looking for nursery ideas I knew I wanted neutral colors that were bright, calm and clean looking. i didn't want loud, dark or bold. i finally settled on white, grey and yellow before I knew that I was having a girl. of course the pink gifts were inevitable and most of them were adorable so I used them in decor and i think it worked out well. originally I had a beautiful yellow tree with birds behind the crib but since we moved and I had to take down the wall decal it wasn't reusable. it was so pretty though, I miss it.
so...thought i'd do a tour of it just for fun. Enjoy!

{the 4 walls}
