Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My very own little!

My daughter is 6 months old....don't really know how that happened so quickly but it's true. I am really grateful that she is such a happy, healthy and fun little baby. She really is a joy, the first couple months were such a crazy adjustment to this Parenthood thing. My baby suffered from severe and painful acid reflux. It broke my heart but once we figured that out we immediately put her on meds and they helped her greatly. She needed them until around 5 months old. She outgrew it just like the doctors said. So we have started giving her solid foods. Since I'm a SAHM I have time to make all her foods and I really enjoy it, honestly. I get to bake, boil, steam and puree everything that my little person eats. It's exciting  for her and I. She enjoys every bite. She loves to eat and sleep these days......she is soooooooo my daughter. Sleeping & eating are my most favorite things, hers too these days. She used to get so hungry that she would wake up every couple hours at night just to eat and go back to sleep immediately  But now....thank God, she sleeps from 10-12 hours at night and usually takes 2 naps a day for as long as 2 hours. It is amazing! I get so much done during the day....but then I miss her while she is napping.
I'm so thrilled that she is growing by leaps and bounds! She's such a doll. Can you imagine how excited I am?!
I am O B S E S S E D with taking pictures of her, it's kind of ridiculous but oh well....she's my baby I can do what I want. LOL!
Here are just a few fun pictures from the last week or two.

 This is quite comical...I give her a ball to play with  but when she discovered the tag on the boppie she left the ball to the side and had a field day with the tag, Ha! My little girl is hilarious. 
No need to buy toys, if something has a tag she'll be entertained. 

 In the mornings I find her with one leg free from her jammies and not one button undone...I'm always  impressed!
Who can resist chunky little baby thighs?! Not I! 
