Friday, February 24, 2012


I've been wanting to spruce up my lil nest for quite some time now! I've had a few fun projects going on and wanted to show you all! :D I'm so excited for any free time that I have to work on projects. So a few weeks ago as I was leaving for work, I noticed that my neighbor was throwing away this cute lil table. Right away I called my hubs and begged him to go and snatch it from the trash man. At first, he refused, but with a lil begging he caved! When I got home that night this lil beauty was waiting for me in the garage (unpainted and sad looking). All I needed to do was paint it. I was so excited. At first I thought white was a good color but once I thought of where I wanted it, I decided an 'eggshell yellow' was its destiny!

top left: its initial look, right picture: in progress, bottom left: finished product!
[Don't mind that oil stained garage floor...yuck!]

 The 2nd project was this old headboard we've had it for 2 years now and all along I had plans to paint it.
Finally came the moment to do hubs did all the hard work.  I loved it! 
I still want to add some paint designs to it, but not sure what else I want just yet.

A peek at what the table looks like in the corner of my room....not quite done with the whole look but I'm so happy with the way that the table turned out. 
I just love all the fun duck tape.... gonna post a project
with these beauties soon.
So it all began at the depot!
A little paint....some elbow grease to sand it down and voilĂ ! Done!
Hope you are inspired to 'pretty up' your nest!
