Friday, September 9, 2011

MORE....Calm in the chaos! {part 2}

"Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late." -Benjamin Franklin 

Today I had wisdom on my mind, not my own but the words of a comforting conversation.
Sometimes I think too highly of myself, but then comes a moment when God humbles me.
Yes, it hurts and is uncomfortable but it is so necessary. 
Earlier this week I blogged about Calm in the Chaos and I can honestly say that I am experiencing that....YAY! My life lately has been nothing short of chaotic but thankfully the chaos is not winning. For 2 weeks I had 3 jobs and juggling them was quite a task. I've been very tired lately but thankful because God is providing!
Wisdom is something that I have always prayed for. Just like Solomon in the bible when he was faced with the 2 women arguing over a dead baby...that's a great story by the way.
[Found in 1 Kings 3:16-28 this is my favorite story of the Bible]
I remember being a little girl hearing that story and thinking WOW! I want to be wise like that!!
Anywho...are you in need of wisdom or calm in the chaos?! 
It's attainable....I guarantee....
It can be found in a little book called the B-I-B-L-E.
There truly is nothing better than gleaning from God's wisdom.

Sweet Dreams All and Have a HAPPY WEEKEND!