Monday, July 11, 2011

There's some Fun-having going on! [Part Uno]

  Hello!!! The Last 2 weekends have been pretty busy! 
There has been lots of fun-having going on and I love it! 
It just kept me away from the computer for longer than I would have liked, but oh well! 
C'est la vie!!!  [that's french for "That's life"]!

 July 4th fun began with the WHAG Royal wedding of my buddies Alfred & Stacia!
Officially Mr. & Mrs. Gallegos

The Beautiful Couple

My buddy Jun & I

PJ 'the creeper' hahaha!

Pretty table decor!

We all somehow lost our spouses so we posed together! 

The boys having fun with bubbles!

Priceless moments!

The get-a- way car!

Final goodbyes!

My handsome date XOXOX

The after party!!! HAahahahaAHAHAHA! 
Cement block plank!

Ursula & I 'first time plank'

Double plank!

Side of the road plank!

Moving vehicle plank!

Starbucks sign plank!

Geek Squad truck double plank!

Wal-mart shopping cart plank!

This was just hilarious to me!

Random object I purchased during our Walmart planking trip! 

Pool planking :) such creative boys!

Boy plank! My strong man! 

More Weekend pics:
My 4th of July manicure!

The boys about to have some fun!

Can't tell if he is wake-boarding or water-skiing!

The boys towing the boat after they broke it :(

I can just feel the frustration....

Going to get help!

My pretty friend!
Our rescue boat


Enjoying being towed....LOL

Tow Boat plank!

Finally on shore

All in all it was a beautiful day at the Lake!! 

Broken car :( our 2nd tow of the day!

Abercrombie Model! Hahaha! 

Aside from all the unfortunate madness and busyness it was a great weekend with lovely people! It really makes me appreciate the people in my life, they are so much fun to be around! 

{Part #2 coming soon!}