Sunday, April 3, 2011

Learning to Sew!

This weekend has been very eventful, I went to a sewing class, went to 2 softball games, church, an interview!!! and a very fun marriage conference, which I will be sharing soon!
So me & 2 friends all got sewing machines for Christmas and we decided to start sewing! So this past weekend we took a beginners class at Hancock fabric through Bernina Sewing Centers. It was a 2hour class and we learned the basics of fabric, sewing & important terminolgy to get us started. I was so excited because since I was a little girl my grandmother has always sewn. I always wanted to learn but didn't know how to start. So now I feel more confident & excited!! I think my first project will be a tu-tu [I'm so serious!] Enjoy my pics I'll post more as I began my projects!
My Pretty Machine and Sewing table :)

All 3 of our machines

Setting up for class

Spare parts

 Ahhhhh!!!! How exciting!