Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1 year Anniversary in Texas!!

On MARCH 15, 2010 we [my hubs & I] arrived here in San Antonio, Texas! WOW! Time has flown by....Just a year ago we changed our lives, picked up all our stuff and left Florida [the Sunshine State]! 21 hours later we arrived in Texas [the Love Star state]...

Some journeys take a life time to complete but some journeys are a once in a lifetime opportunity.. starting one step at a time!

The move to Texas was DEFINITELY orchestrated by God and that is no mistake! Although I never would have never guessed that we'd end up in Texas...still God had been preparing me for a huge change since 2009. I can remember that in the beginning of 2009 I went through the process of pregnancy. It was not a physical pregnancy but rather a spiritual one! It began in March 2009. At that point God began to stir in my spirit a need for something deeper. My job got to a point that I could not grow any more, I had been offered a promotion but it never happened. I began to feel uncomfortable in my spirit. I began to have an extreme hunger for ministry. The more I prayed the more my heart was burdened with the need for more. I felt as if God was literally tugging at my spirit and whispering in my ear. I wanted more for myself and my spiritual growth. I love how God makes His desires our desires. I could literally feel His will forming in my heart and becoming my own will. Feelings I never experienced before and thoughts I never considered, all part of God's plan. One day I was talking to a friend of mine and she described how God allows women to go through "spiritual" pregnancy. They literally feel the baby moving, they go through growth and changes, then the birth pangs. As she was speaking I began to understand how similar the process was that I was in the midst of. Then it just made sense...I had a deep burning for ministry and didn't understand what it meant. I felt that I needed to change my occupational path but I didn't understand why. One day my husband and I were reading a book by Erwin McManus called Chasing Daylight [I highly recommend the book!] And in this portion Erwin was talking about making a choice. Sometimes we pray and beg God to show us His will in decision making and we get so frustrated that He is not answering, when all He wants is for us to make a move. We can become so intent on God making the decision but all the while God is saying "Just do SOME-THING!" Erwin was explaining to a friend how "Hitler himself tried to destroy an entire race of people, yet in all his trying he could not stop the will of God, because God is more powerful. So how much more can we as Christians achieve the will of God in trying to do so." Does that make sense? It hit me like a ton of bricks. In those fews months I had been burdened with the decision to quit my job yet I didn't understand why or how our bills would be paid.
So long story short, I followed Erwin's advice and made a decision...I JUST DID SOMETHING! And it has changed my life. I'd like to say that I have always been a woman of faith but these last 2 years of my life have changed me in ways I can't even describe. My faith has grown and my God has shown me things and taken me places I never thought I would have gone, needless to say that burning desire for ministry has been fulfilled b/c my hubs and I are now full time ministry. God has accomplished a lot in the last 16 months and just to name a few:
1. I quit my job in Sept 2009
2. Began Grad school in Sept of 2009
3. In December of 2009 we got the job offer to be Audio Directors of Westover Hills AG
4. In January 2010 we came to Texas to check out the opportunity
5. March of 2010 we moved to Texas
6. We have become so much closer and dependent on one other [Our marriage has flourished]
7. Our ministry & leadership skills are being challenged & are better than ever [always a growing process]
8. My husband has become such a stronger man of God [thinking about this makes me want to cry!]
9. God has done wonders in our families and our joint faith!
10. I have returned to one of my first loves [SINGING & Worship ministry]
11. I work on staff for our Music Ministry
12. I have become a better minister to my friends and family
13. Finished Grad school in December 2010

14. And last but not least I just recently achieved a personal dream [to sing on stage with Martha Munizzi] more details of that to come...

I feel so honored that God would use me to carry out His will and purpose and I can only think back and reflect on that moment that He impregnated me with His Word and a burden to pray for its fulfillment. Psalm 119: 130 says “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”
Psalm 29:2 "Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness."

Thank you Lord for this Journey! Thank you for putting a wonderful man and best friend by my side to support me and walk this journey with me. May my life always be yours to use...I love you endlessly!