Monday, May 11, 2015

Drawing me closer

For Mother's Day weekend I've been treated so well by my husband and daughter that I couldn't help but reflect on how undeserving I am. God has REALLY blessed me.  These kinds of celebrations always get my deep thoughts rolling, so here goes.......
The last few months have been full of miracles to say the least. 
We've experienced many "small" prayers answered in HUGE ways. 
We joined in on an incredible journey of fasting with our church back in January and I believe that set the tone for our supernatural year. 
I went to God with my "list of petitions" only to find out that what I really wanted was more of Him and more of His presence working in my life.
My pastor said something that was so simple but changed my life.
He was asked about how he prayed and his answer was "I don't pray to get answers. I pray to know God better."
Isn't that just genius? LOL! 
That's the whole point, to know our maker more, right?
But, all I ever did was immediately run through all my lists of "God please fix this or provide for that...." 
We all do, I suppose.
But this was it.
This was what I really wanted, a better relationship with God.
Don't get me wrong, all the answered prayers are necessary and wanted as well BUT they are secondary to K N O W I N G God.
The more we know Him the more we know His will, we know how to pray and we develop this unshakeable, unmovable peace. It's as if all your bills were paid off and you had lots of money in the bank you'd have a strong financial foundation and you'd have stability, right?
It's the same with God. He has EVERY THING that we could possibly need to win life's battles, yet we seem at a loss for direction. Why?
Because we haven't heard from Him.
We haven't spent time seeking His plan.
We spend more time presenting our lists/needs/wants before Him.
It's quite frankly a little disrespectful, as a parent I would be upset with my daughter if she ran up to someone asking them for something with out even saying "hello" "how are you?" "what can I do for you?" Now my daughter is too young to greet people in such a manner but when she's old enough I will expect her to use proper manners with an adult. 
You understand what I'm saying right?

Well it's funny. As I said earlier I had my list of HUGE prayer requests before God and even though I didn't go about it right, I am so thankful that God saw my heart and He answered anyway.
Back in December God was preparing my heart to give more financially.
I prayed about it, and set in mind an additional amount to give above what we are already doing. 
Can you believe as soon as we gave that amount God came and blessed up with exactly 10x's more than that?? I was blown away.

Another thing....I give monthly to a specific organization and I was considering stopping that donation to give elsewhere and the Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks and reminded me that I was not to do that. As a Christian, it is my duty to give. It is our responsibility to hold up and support the kingdom of God. I never felt so strongly about that before.
We are supposed to give out of obedience not to get more.
The 'getting' sure does come though.
God doesn't hold back His best from us. 
Learning to give. 
Leaning on God to provide. 
Having the passion even though I can't see the "rewards" can be scary but rest assured because God will always bless us in an unexpected way.

Praying every spiritual blessing over everyone who reads this today.
Draw closer to God and watch Him draw closer to you.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Summer Slim down

If you want to lose weight but DON'T LIKE TO WORKOUT OUT LISTEN UP!! I'm super excited about #teamFitforGlory's Summer Slim down group. I will be guiding a group of brave but purpose driven people on a mission of clean eating. Lately, I've gotten a lot of requests to create meal plans and share health tips so I am creating this 6 week slim down group. And the best part is it's FREE! All you have to do is participate. I am really excited about this group and their mission. Of course, if you do like to workout you can because that will definitely increase your results, I'll be working out too. 
My purpose behind this is to help everyone, I realize that not everyone likes to workout so I don't want anyone to feel excluded. I'll include:
💥my basic grocery list 💥meal plans & recipes 💥encouragement
💥daily tips and/or inspiration 💥GIVEAWAY at the end 💥aaaaand more. 
To sign up just click the link below, easy right?! #180fitchallenge #coachMelissaIvette #eattolose

Monday, March 30, 2015

Let do a Giveaway!!

Good morning! 
Who's ready for some free stuff?! 
Out of the top 10 New Year resolutions #1 is to lose weight & #5 is to stay fit and healthy. I really want to help more people reach their goals, in fact I have a specific number of people in mind that I want to coach, but I need your help. 
So here's a fun #giveaway!! 

Help me spread the word about #teamFitForGlory
Would you repost, like, & share my IG page, FB page and/or Twitter page? 
Win Hip Hop abs and Insanity Sweat fest by, the one and only, ShaunT. I will announce the winner on Thursday and send out your prize in time for you to join my next fitness group! 

Each action is an entry. 
Join me & my team as we get #FitByFaith2015 here's how:
≫Follow me on Instagram @iHOPEdaily or @meli_vette and repost the giveaway picture with #iHOPEdailygiveaway then let me know you've done it, I'll be checking. 

For additional entries:
≫Follow me on Twitter @meli_vette
≫Like/Share my Coach page on FB {}

≫Follow/Subscribe to my blog {}

≫Sign up for a FREE Beachbody account with me as your coach  ❋no strings attached❋ this ensures that you don't already have a coach and I'll be yours for F R E E! {}

Saturday, March 28, 2015

tips to overcome the 7 year itch

a few things i have learned to overcome the "7 year itch": 
-we should never get married to be happy. that is dooms day waiting to happen. 
-when a problem arises don't wait for your spouse to fix themselves or fix "it". instead focus on working on Y O U and what you can contribute to the solution.
-changing your spouse is impossible, the moment we realize that truth is the moment we are released of much stress and unnecessary pain. 
-having an attitude of gratitude will take your marriage to new heights. 
-say "i love you" & kiss daily.
-never complain to outsiders what you deal with privately because opinions are one-sided so you'll never get the right advice.
-speak positivity into the life of your mate (if you want to keep them forever).
-choose to understand (that means listening first) instead of blaming.
-if you scramble the letters in the word (L I S T E N) they spell SILENT, so be quick to listen and slow to speak. 
-use your words to edify instead of tear down, chances are that your spouse knows most of their flaws already so don't be quick to point them out. 
-say what you want! speak into existence that which you want to see happen because what you speak becomes what you believe and what you believe becomes what you will see.
-a love that lasts and grows stronger together begins by becoming a team/a partnership so look at your spouse as your teammate rather than an opposing team member.
-be clear about you want and don't want, what you like and don't like. don't assume your spouse should know.
-in moments of high stress and hard times it's ok to take a step back analyze the situation separately then put your heads together and make a game plan to kick that problem to the curb. 
-God really, Really, REALLY needs to be your source of strength, your connection point, meet at the cross. 
-marriage is not guaranteed to be clear, perfect, a straight path, a walk in the park, in fact, I can assure you it'll be tough, but you can make it through with the right attitude. 

this sunday we turn 7 years old! 
well our marriage is 7, we are proudly ::30-something:: year olds.
i was contemplating the "seven year mark" by now a couple should 
have mastered a ton of different skills, right? they say that the 
seventh year is the hardest BUT i just know it will a phenomenal 
SUPERNATURAL year. this is the year we break free of debt, do 
things we have never done and change the direction of our future. 
i am so confident of this because it has already been promised to 
us. i believe that our influence in the christian community will 
reach new heights. i believe that we have been set apart to set 
up a future for the kingdom of God by undergoing transformation 
in ourselves. i am in no way trying to boast or brag but my spirit 
is in such a state of expectation & excitement, i can't contain it. 

what we believe we speak, what we speak we do and what we do becomes 
who we are. 

who we are speaks to others. 

my husband and i have always set out to do God's will above our own. we have 
had times of plenty and times of lack. we have come to realize the ugly parts of 
us that need change and a touch of God. we have struggled and we have been 
triumphant. we have gone through seasons of having pennies in our bank 
account and seasons of hundreds in the bank and none of which has given me 
more security than the other. if i'm being honest i'd rather have little money 
in the bank but lots of faith in God because He always amazes us and comes 
through. one of our dreams is to live on 50% of our income and give away 
the other 50%. we never want to have the burden of a mortgage either. i 
know it sounds crazy, to others, but we believe for a paid-off home. we will 
never have a car payment again either. we believe for paid off vehicles too. 
it's gonna happen. we are also going to pay off debt for others. i believe we 
have been blessed to be a blessing. nothing is "ours" it's only been lent to us 
in order to see how we will manage it. i believe this will be our year of giving 
back and giving more away. 
by God's marvelous grace.

thinking about the 7th year and all that it means. i thought "we are still kids in this road of marriage" so i decided to google what the average 7 year old child should know, and i came across 7 years of age a child has:
1. improved literacy skills (reading & writing) offer experiences that dramatically expand experiences
application in marriage -hopefully by this time we have a good amount of experience and a good grasp or understanding  as to how we are to deal with/love our spouse correctly and we have become better spouses

2. better interaction of language 
application in marriage- we learn to speak how we feel in honesty without trying to hold back for fear of our spouses feelings (sometimes it works against us too...whoops) but we learn to express what we really want and not just be a people pleaser. 

3. demonstrated their understanding through discussion
application in marriage- we talk it out more instead of wishing the problem away or pretending it is resolved, this is developed maturity really.

4. vocabulary that continues to grow 
application in marriage- through our communication we grow in understanding our spouse better and his/her needs

5. a more developed and engaging sense of writing
application in marriage- our "love letters/love notes/texts/greeting cards" to our spouse we become much more specific and meaningful after years of being together, hopefully we learn that sweet spot that we lost after the early stages of dating.

6. a strong number sense and estimation skills
application in marriage- haha, number sense & estimation skills? well that can be self-explanatory, has any wife out there spent a little too much money and worried about the consequences or that "talk" from our spouse? yea, thought so. 

7. a typical preference of structure and routines
application in marriage- by this time we definitely have a routine in our day-to-day activities, especially once kids enter the equation because every moment has to be accounted for.

8. chosen to work or play independently when frustrated
application in marriage- we definitely learn the need for "me time" or personal time to come back with your head in the game and focusing together as a team. 

9. the capacity to understand others' actions and feelings
application in marriage- we learn each other better (self-explanatory, right?)

10. increased their knowledge of art elements, materials, techniques and processes
application in marriage- yes! in all aspects.

7 years truly is just the beginning of a thriving future. i have heard so much about the 7 year itch, which is described as a period where interest in your spouse diminishes. i only believe that people that give mind to that myth will succumb to it's suffering. 

 i hope this inspires and blesses someone. i am certainly still learning and growing but i would not have it any other way.
choose to be a life long learner.
i pray blessings over your current/future marriage.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Date nights!

For our last date night we went to see Cinderella and I loved it. It had been a while since we've seen a show together and  it reminded me of the importance of having regular date nights. 
Do you mind if I share with you some great reasons to keep date night alive?


If you'd like to have a stronger marriage, I encourage you to continue to date your spouse. Here's some points from an article that I found:

(1) A date night is an opportunity to communicate, really communicate uninterrupted, which helps couples “deepen their understanding of one another and the relationship.” Communication is important because “individuals continue to change,” and over time, “as they and their relationship develop, they experience new challenges and problems,” Wilcox and Dew point out.
(2) Date nights are valuable for their novelty. Researchers are discovering that “couples who engage in novel activities that are fun, active or otherwise arousing – from hiking to dancing to travel to card games – enjoy higher levels of relationship quality,” the report notes. In this way, couples counteract a tendency to take each other for granted. Couples, it says, “may be particularly likely to benefit from a regular date night if they use it as an opportunity to do more than that old standby: dinner and a movie.” And couples are encouraged to choose activities that represent “a balance of each partner’s interests, rather than tending to do things (novel or not)” that reflect the same partner’s preferences each time.
(3) The report says “date nights may strengthen or rekindle that romantic spark that can be helpful in sustaining the fires of love over the long haul.”
(4) Date nights may strengthen a couple’s sense of commitment to one another. The report says, “Partners who put one another first, who steer clear of other romantic opportunities and who cultivate a strong sense of ‘we-ness’ or togetherness are markedly happier than are less-committed couples.”
(5) Date nights are a way to relieve stress. They allow a couple “to enjoy time with one another apart from the pressing concerns of their ordinary life.” Date nights also may serve couples as an opportunity “to extend emotional support to one another in times of trial.”
*article found on focus on the family website*

I hope this was helpful, I enjoyed reading it and personally could not have written it better. One thing I would add is that date nights allow you to focus on each other and I would recommend having a great belly-laughing session together. Regardless, whether or not you and your spouse have stressful lives --laughter is a healing regimen. The Bible says that laughter is medicine for the soul and I thoroughly recommend laughing together. It has great healing powers. 

Love, Melissa

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

being adopted by a king

Excuse the messy writing but tonight's word was perfect.
We are all adopted children to a heavenly King. #adoption #TheWord #inspirationfortoday #saved #lampandlight

Monday, January 26, 2015

60 day Max out! (1st two weeks)

I am so stinkin' excited to report that I have been getting better and I am already seeing the changes, not to mention feeling stronger, after just TWO weeks of Insanity Max:30!
This program is incredible! I enjoy so many things about it but one thing that I can truly testify to is that the 30 minutes fly by. While you are so focused on your form and maxing out before you's over. I think that the "max out" method is genius because you are so focused on being better than yourself. I love this program, I have never been brave enough to try anything like this, other than 21 day Fix Plyo, but this is nonstop sweat-drenched, heart-pumping action. I can't get enough. I will report my weight loss and inches at the end of month one. I love that it has a feature to be able to lock the modifier on the screen the whole time. Basically, how it works is you give it your all either go full force with Shaun T or follow the modifiers and when you just can't go anymore, when you need a break you stop and take a rest.....that's your Max out time. Then you jump back in when you're ready. 
My favorite workouts are the Tabata ones. 20 seconds hard core pushing and 10 second rests. Amazing. 

If you are interested in this program, let's have a chat. Get more info here or to join my team and start working out today apply here.

Here are my MAX out times for Week 1:
Cardio Challenge - 19:57 (mostly modifying)
Tabata Power - 12:21 (mostly modifying)
Sweat Intervals - 11:50 (no modification until after max out)
Tabata Power -10:20 (no modification until after max out)
Friday Fight - 11:03 (mostly modifying)
Pulse - 13:00 (no modification until after max out)

A little sweaty selfie for ya! 

Here are my MAX out times for Week 2:
Cardio Challenge - 17:30 (full force)
Tabata Power - 27:34  (full force) AMAZING! I more than doubled previous my max out times.  
Sweat Intervals - 7:50 (full force)
Tabata Power - 11:15 (modified)  I was very sore this week it was hard to keep up.
Friday Fight - (full force) 8:50
Pulse -12:45 (full force) & Ab attack - 6:22 (full force)

If you love the idea of being a better, stronger YOU then join me and my team as we MAX OUT!

Let's do this! 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Max out!

Good morning! I hope you all are starting your day right. I got my workout in! I did Insanity Max:30 Tabata power for the second time and love it, the first time I did it I maxed out at 12 minutes & 21 seconds while modifying, but today I didn't modify until 10:20, not bad!! I'm loving the intensity of it. I'll be blogging more about it later this week to share my progress with you all. Make today awesome. #iMaxedOut #teamFitforGlory #coachMelissaIvette #musclesareagirlsbestfeature 

If you ever want more accountability and my free coaching, I invite you to join my team anytime. Fill out this form (link below) and join me!
I believe in YOU!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

B R E A K through

Some time ago, at church, my pastor preached about knowing God. I always take sermon notes crazy fast then I have to piece it all together to make sense of it later on. Anyhow, he shared some points that I loved and also realized that I could apply them towards my fitness and health life:

"Small steps create a large effect."

"Breakthrough is a result of constant pressure on something." 

"Rejoice with each step."  

"Full effort full results." 

As I looked over these notes again, I couldn't help but share them with you all. It's inevitable that we will have to overcome things in our life. Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. But one thing remains true. We can overcome. Through consistency we see the results that we want and we learn the discipline of self - control. I don't know about anyone else out there, but I could use a lesson or two on self-control in a few areas of my life....

Just like when you workout you don't see results overnight but rather overtime. So why do we so often expect life to change so quickly? We give up on ourselves or others too soon. 
Are you trying to achieve some things?
Give it time.
Are you working on fixing some relationships?
Give it time.
Are you trying to make changes? 
Give it time. 

After all, every step closer is just that...a .... step....closer. So rejoice and be grateful through each step, I'm sure that you will find you are becoming better & stronger. 
You may not always like the process but I am certain you will like the results. 

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. You Rock!

I am excited to start a new fitness program called Insanity MAX: 30 and I am thrilled to see the new results that will come along with the struggles. Because lets be honest, you can't have results without a few struggles, right?

Follow my journey here or on my FB page H E R E

New level, new devil. 
Don't be intimidated, go on and get your BREAK-THROUGH!

So this new year, what are you willing to endure in order to grow?

Please share below.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

oh for grace to trust Him more

Have you ever had one of those "come to your senses moments"? When you realize just how far God's mercy and grace extends? I've been reflecting lately on His powerful hand of protection.
I've made lots of bad choices, put myself in some scary situations but by God's wonderful grace I'm still here, still standing. 
I don't know how or why he loves me so much but He does and guess what...? 
He loves you too! 
Every single bit of you. 

I've read it before, "Grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve. Mercy is when God doesn't give us what we do deserve." 

I've had this old hymn in my head that last few days:

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”

  • Chorus:
    Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
    How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
    Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
    Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to trust His cleansing blood;
And in simple faith to plunge me
’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease;
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace.
I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that Thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end.

Isn't it crazy that we need grace, (we need help) to trust God more
How do you feel about that?
What do you think about it?


what 2014 has brought me!

Knowledge! It brought me K N O W L E D G E!
 In all your getting, GET knowledge. 

Psalm 119:65-67

"Do good to your servant
    according to your word, Lord.
66 Teach me knowledge and good judgment,
    for I trust your commands.
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray,
 but now I obey your word."

At the beginning of last year I asked God to change the direction of my life. Not that it was bad, I just knew I was called to more. I knew that I needed to change though. I knew it required work and for once in my life, I was not afraid of that. shocker, i know!

2014 was an amazing year of growth and change for me. I am a testimony that if you are willing to push yourself and put in the work, you can and will achieve ANYTHING!
So I wanted to share some of the biggest lessons that I learned from 2014.

Things I've learned from 2014:

-Fear is FAKE! It's a preconceived notion to keep me bound to anything less than greatness. It's a made up scenario in my mind of what COULD happen, and it doesn't get to hold me down anymore. 

-Failure & change are inevitable but growth, well, that's optional!

-I get to decide the direction of my future and how it will work, yes we are all subject to God's plan, but we can choose to enjoy it and agree with it.

-Grateful people are happy people! It's not happy people who are grateful, although we tend to believe that. Always be GRATEFUL!

- I get to decide how successful I am by how hard I work. No one else can determine my success unless I let them. I'm in charge of me. That's a given but seriously, it's necessary to grasp that and I'm learning this truth more every day. 

-Dare to do something so big that if God doesn't intervene you'll fail. Going for failure so when you succeed you'll be all the more stronger, confident and unbreakable. Failure is your friend! It makes you stronger and helps you get to your actual goals. Go fail! I had never heard that, ever. Knowing this has changed me.

-Define your dreams and your goals to the very last letter. Without the specifics God can not get all the glory. 

-Your dreams can come alive. See it. Spell it out. Say it. Then get it. 

-What you speak is what will be. Speak Positive. 

-I was made to inspire others. I believe that on some level we all are, but, for me there is this deep down burning passion to see others come alive through inspiration. I want everyone that I know and love to reach their greatest potential so I commit to helping them achieve that. 

Love you all!!! XOXOX