Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye, bye 2011

I'm so sad to say goodbye to this year but a lot of good has come from it! Although some of my "goals" for 2011 have not been met I am not disheartened....there's always next year, haha! But I'm so glad to have accomplished a few important things such as:

  1. Writing more music
  2. Auditioning for the Voice (took some major guts, think I surprised myself with that one!)
  3. Started a crafting business on Etsy
  4. Started working full time
  5. Learning to edit & pretty up my own blog (for free!)
  6. Developing more of an eye for DIY projects
  7. Going on random, unplanned road trips 
  8. Fasting more often
  9. Blogging more often
  10. Throwing a fun costume party (so excited for the New Year's Masquerade we are throwing next week!)
  11. Strengthening family relationships 
  12. Finishing my Master's degree
Here's hoping that you are proud of the turnout for this year. I know I would not have been able to accomplish much without the support of my husband and family or the guidance of God. I'm just so grateful beyond words! I pray that all of you enjoy every moment with everyone in your life because you never know when it might be your last moment with them! May your life be a sweet fragrance before God and before the world. Let 2012 be a year of impact!

Ephesians 5:2 
"And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for us, 
a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God."

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

T-Scarf (D.I.Y)

A couple of weeks ago I came across a brilliant T-scarf DIY by Mr Kate and I immediately had to try it. So I begged my hubs for an old T-shirt and got to work. It was so easy. I've got to buy some more t's to start working one but here is the gist of it!

Start with a t-shirt and scissors or a rotary cutter.

Lay out the shirt and cut it off at the sleeves so that all you have left is the body of the shirt.

You will cut it into strips as you see above but not all the way through the shirt, 
leave at least an inch or two of the shirt at the top. 
Then you will pull each cut piece of fabric so that it curls up as in the picture below.

Get embellishments! (I used a broken earring and some reflective gem pieces that I have a ton of.) 

You will gather the shirt at the top that is not cut through and 
using your hot glue gun you will start to wrap the uncut part to hide it. 
Then you add your embellishments as desired. 

Final product!

Here is your pretty new scarf ;) 

If you would like to see the actual DIY video it is here.

So much fun and so cute! Enjoy!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas New Orleans style!

Well, Christmas around these parts was very different but I'm thankful for every bit of it! We actually celebrated our Christmas on the 22nd & 23rd because those were the only days hubs & I had off together since we both worked Christmas Eve and Christmas day. We had made plans but a last minute trip to New Orleans is what actually happened. Can I just say, that i LOVE road trips just as much as i LOVE randomness!!! I love just packing up and leaving the norm of every day life. I am an extreme fun-haver...what can I say?! Haha!
So we went to see my brother in law and we had such a great time I can't even begin to describe how priceless and perfect our trip was. That alone was a stress release. So we hopped in a car with a friend that was driving to Florida and he dropped us off in NOLA then we picked up a car that was given to us and drove home to SATX. I couldn't have asked for a better turnout for Christmas and even though hubs & I both worked we still enjoyed the time in the weekend that we did spend together.

NOLA what a fun city you were!

If you ever visit NOLA you must stop by the French Quarter & you must have Beignets at Cafe du monde!!

I hope that your holiday was even better than expected!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Feliz my favorite singer......MICHAEL BUBLE!!! Ahhhhh! I love his music! And Thalia is just lovely! I love this song!I love Christmas music....that's all that will be playing in my house this week!
Merry Merry Christmas friends & loved ones!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Worship for Today: {Hold me Together: by Royal Tailor}

Royal Tailor!
I just recently discovered this group and can I just say...WOW....I love the music that they produce! These are some talented young men. I hope you will find the same true! Take a minute to enjoy some worship music for today. I know life gets crazy but when we worship God it seems like the impossible is made possible. I pray that you be blessed by this today!
I know that I have a new Pandora channel labeled "Royal Tailor.

God Bless you today and in this Holiday season!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

celebrations, love & the greatest gift of all!

The tree at my job decorated by the boys there..
Who doesn't love Christmas??!! The delicious food, great holiday cheer, parties with your buddies, the smell of the cold crisp air, shopping, smiles, family, love and gifts......
My favorite part of Christmas is the reason for the season.....Jesus! It's great to know that Jesus thought we were worth dying for and that's why he came to Earth, to fulfill a mission of love! 

Today at my job we got to share the real reason behind Christmas with the boys at our shelter. We read the story in Luke 2 about the birth of Jesus and they enjoyed it! We went around the room and said what we were thankful for and one of the boys just about made me cry when he said that he was thankful to come to know Jesus while here at our shelter.....if that's not a blessing then I don't know what is. He continued to thank us as staff for helping counsel him and take care of him. Over the last couple months I've really struggled with frustrations over my job and question of why? 
Why do I have this job?
Why is this the only job that came up for me?
And today it made more sense then ever! I get to pray with the boys, talk to them about Jesus and share the Word of God with them.....all of which is highly unlikely in any other work setting. So as long as I am here I will take advantage of the opportunity & give thanks to God for the open door! 

May your holiday be blessed with love, cheer and family! From my family to your home! 
Merry Christmas! 
Happy Holidays!
And a lovely New Year to you and yours!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Worship for Today: {Forever Reign: One Sonic Society}

I just loved this song when I first heard it! Ahhhh....I had to share! I hope it blesses you.

God will always be enough.....
Blessings to you! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Worship for Today: {We Are: by Kari Jobe}

I just heard this simple but lovely! 
We Are by Kari Jobe
A great worship song for today: 

Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine  before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

Shoes made Lovely! {part 2}

If you are looking to add some loveliness to your shoes....why not try a pair of shoe clips?!?!?

The holidays are here! 
If you are interested in purchasing some shoe clips you can find them here: 
Made by me! {Things Made Lovely}

Monday, December 5, 2011

Jesus Culture!

Last month my hubby worked an event for a youth convention that had Jesus Culture as the worship leaders! Just in case you know little or nothing about them here is some history: Jesus Culture is a ministry that started in Bethel Church in Redding, CA. They are dedicated to mobilizing a generation to shape culture and transform nations. Jesus Culture was birthed out of Bethel’s youth group where Banning Liebscher was the youth pastor for ten years. Jesus Culture is impacting a generation through conferences, events, music, Campus Awakening, and the training of emerging leaders. Banning’s passion is to see a generation of revivalists raised up who have encountered the extravagant love of Jesus and have given themselves for worldwide revival. 
I actually got to hear Pastor Banning preach that evening and I was definitely inspired to be a better leader & christian. I was so ecstatic to be there and be a part of it. I love the music and worship atmosphere that they create. See for yourself!

Check them out at

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Birthday to my TiK tOk!!!

Having a best friend is a blessing but when that person is also your family it makes that relationship soooo much more lovely! Today [December 1st!!!] is the birthday of my bestie and I just LOVE her to no end!! She is one of the people I love to be on the phone with most. We could talk for hours on the phone and we never get bored. Since I moved to Texas and don't get to see her as often my heart is really sad but at least I can show her how much I love her. 
By now, I have already sent her a birthday text and a HeyTell birthday message since she is asleep...hehehe!!

As I think back, I remember that on my wedding day she was there by my side, she was one of the first people at my house early that day to ensure that everything went smoothly and anything I needed she was there to take care of. As I think back even further, I was there by her side for her wedding [I was her emcee for the night] but I remember sitting with her in a room before the exchange of vows as we joked around, laughed and talked about her getting married to my tio....she was so peaceful & happy....I can still see that smile on her face that day. I was so happy to see her marry my uncle.
I don't remember when we started getting so close but now it has been years and I am so glad we did.
I love our nicknames for each other like: TiK tOk, boo, titi oatmeal, my booboo, Camilleypoo!!
I love our inside jokes!
I love how we send each other sweet messages!
I love how we know each others favorite things!
I love how we keep each other in check....haha!
I love how excited we get over the smallest things!
I love laughing together!
I love that every time I'm in town we get our own TiK tOk time!
I love her hugs!
I love her lil babies!

I hope that your day is amazing! I wish with every fiber of my being that I could be with you this weekend to celebrate your birthday. Thank you for loving me so much and being my best friend. I'm so glad that my tio married you and thank you so much for my beautiful cousins Desi & Fay Fay which I love so much. I just look at their pictures and smile because they are so special to me!
Here some pics of my favorite moments with you!
Having McDonald's frappes is important to us!
Getting our nails did!

She visited me in Texas and we went to the caves! 
Late night Walmart run...
In the mall here in TX...we love to shop!
New specs & new hat
Freezing together at Six Flags! 
Xmas...When we were much younger!
Late night Taco Bell run....teaching
Desi to sign!
At my Farewell party! 

Here she is at my wedding with my beautiful flower girl [her daughter!]

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sweets Treats & Sweet deals!

There are a million things to be thankful for and, although I was not surrounded by my family for Thanksgiving, I was surrounded with people I love and that is so important to me. I truly cherish the people in my life and the fact that we could all gather around the table and eat...then shop....and eat some more is reason enough for me to have a permanent smile on my face!
This Thanksgiving I was in charge of the baking which was a fun change! Since I was only making enough for 6 people I decided to just make 2 pies and some yummy! I had fun getting all creative with it too. I even got an icing bag to decorate my cupcakes & made homemade cream cheese frosting..YummO! After dinner we did some Black Friday shopping which is always an adventure & we got great deals!

Sweet treats:

Pumpkin Cheesecake was a success!!

Final Product [made of Funfetti mix!!]

 Mixing the chocolate pudding pie

 Desserts! My friend made dirt cake too!

Sweet deals & Sweet friends! 
We went to Walmart and boy was that an adventure but we had a blast finding everything we wanted!!

 We were determined ladies....haha! 
We went to the outlets for round 2 of shopping Friday afternoon. 
So many great deals could not be resisted! 

Hope your holiday was as lovely as ever! 
Happy Holiday Season!